Chapter 5

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As I woke up I forgot where I was only to remember when I rolled over and fell of a branch, fortunately I landed on the branch beneath me and I climbed carefully the rest of the way down and made my way over to the kitchens for some of Frypan's famous bacon.

"Hey Newt, how did the gathering go yesterday."

"Good." He replied.

Alby hastily walked over to me and gathered the attention of everyone.

"S o yesterday we had a gathering and we decided on your job, keepers please stand." Alby announced yet no-one stood up. "Oh yeah you will not have a job as such but seeing as you all of the keepers wanted you you can decided when to work at what job and how you do it." And with that Alby walked away.

It has been 4 days and everyday I wake up the earliest and I clean their clothes, I tend to the sick and I wake the runners. It is surprisingly fun as I take breaks when I want and they are my only jobs so when i'm done I sometimes help in the kitchen or gardens.

Suddenly the box comes up with the weekly supplies. As they are unloaded Zart hands me a box with my name on. I took it to my hammock and inside are some new clothes, but what surprises me most is I also got a pocket knife but also a bow and arrow set along with a quiver. I received 50 sharp arrows, and a black embellished bow. I have no idea why they sent one. Maybe I used to be able to use one and I still can.

I begin to walk to the dead heads as I finished all of my jobs. I took an arrow from the quiver aimed and shot a bird perfectly down surprising
myself as I hit it perfectly in the head. I attempted a few more and hit every target.

Gathering my arrows and now dead birds I decided to head back to the centre of the glade. I abruptly stop as pain cursed through my head.

"Emily." I whisper. I remembered my name. I ran out to the Glade and ran into Newt

"Hey, where've you been." Newt asks looking down at the birds his face changes immediately to a concerned look.   

"Well.. uh." I really wanted to tell him about the package and I knew I can trust him. "Well basically I got a parcel and I had some new clothes but also a bow, arrows and a quiver. I went to the dead heads shot 5 arrows and hit 5 birds perfectly. Also I remembered my name." I say rushing.

"Wow." That's all Newt says. "Uh so what you gonna do with them now 'en. Hold on wait you remembered your name." He asks

"Yeah i'm Emily."

"EMILY!" Newt shouts to all the Gladers and they all cheered

"Also I figured I would take the birds to Frypan probably."

"Ok then I'll see you later 'en, Emily."

"Ok bye 'en Newt."  I gave Newt a quick side hug then ran to the kitchen and explained it all again to Frypan.

By the end of the day everyone knew how good I were with my bow and most people didn't annoy me. There were a few but I decided just shrugged them off but inly because I was in a good mood that is.

It was time to sleep now and I lay down with my new bow underneath the hammock along with new clothes, a hair brush and some elastic bobbles. After a while my eyelids felt heavy and I fell into a dreamless sleep.

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