Chapter 3

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I jog over to the boys. Eager to meet them.

"Hey Newt."

"Hi greenie."

Suddenly an asian dude with perfect, black hair walked over to you.
"Hey you must be the new greenie,woah you're a girl shank." He said.

"Really I thought I was one of Frypan's potatoes."

Newt began to snicker at your remark.
"Minho I think your being out sassed over here." Newt said continuing to laugh.

"No one out sasses the sassatron. Sass off you ready greenie."

"You're on like donkey kong." I say slyly. A wild west stand off began before we began roasting each other like children.

After the roast battle I realise that my first day in the glade is drawing to a close but not without a bonfire.

"Why are we having a bonfire, Newt?"

"To celebrate you, We have one every time we get a new greenie."

Newt and I sat with our backs against a log looking at the scene of Gally fighting, the fire crackling and the laughter of the gladers.

"Here drink some of this."

Newt passed me a jar with brown liquid inside. I turned to Newt with a questioning look but he just nodded. I took the jar out of his hand and the jar to my lips and take a gulp. The liquid burns my throat. I handed the jar back to a laughing Newt.

"I think you're the first greenie to not spit that out." Newt says.

Suddenly a boy is pushed into you.

"Wanna go greenie." Gally asked

"You're on."

Before I could leave Newt grabbed my arm.
"Please don't. I don't want you getting hurt."

It meant so much that Newt cared but I wanted to show these boys what I was able to do.

"I'm fine Newt."

Reluctantly Newt released my wrist from his grasped as I headed over to the circle of sand where the fight was.

"Rules are simple greenie I try and push you out of the circle and you try and last more than 5 seconds." Gally told you. Everyone around me laughs.

He rushed towards you. He had strength but not a lot of brains. I side stepped out of the way as Gally fell to the floor. This just made the beast even angrier than before. His tactics were nothing special. I ducked as he dove over where my chest was.
The gladers were cheering "greenie, greenie."
I got so into it I didn't realise Gally's sudden run knocking me off my feet but not out the circle. I noticed Newt getting up rather quickly and limping over to the fight.

"Gally stop now." Newt said with a stern voice.

"What we're only just getting started."

Newt glanced at me and I gave him a smile telling him you were fine.

I drive into Gally pushing him out of the circle. I won I couldn't' believe it standing up people were chanting

"Greenie, greenie." Or at least until I was pulled down and was being punched. Punching back I rolled so you were on top of him giving me the advantage. I was surprised by my own strength knocking his head onto the floor. I didn't feel the need to make him loose anymore of the few brain cells than he already had when he was born. Walking away from the commotion feeling proud of myself as I had just beat someone twice my size.

A soft hand patted me on my back looking up I saw it was Newt. Smiling at him he smiled back and led me to my hammock where he left me to a peaceful slumber. We stopped walking when I heard grumbling.

"What's that Newt."

"That greenie. Is the maze it changes every night."

"How's that possibly."

"I don't know it's just like how the doors closed earlier."

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