Chapter 2

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The what. The Glade.
"umm hi." Darn it I stumbled.

"My name is Alby shank, and this is the glade i'll show you round tomorrow but I suspect you're hungry at the moment."
"Clear off the rest of you except Newt."

The boy who helped me out of the box jogged over and us I couldn't help but notice he had a slight limp.

"Take the greeny to get some food from Frypan will you."

"Yeah sure." He replied and then turned towards me.
"Follow me."

I followed him to what look like a very dismantled and homemade cafeteria but I guess they built everything themselves. We walked towards a guy in a apron who I think is Frypan.

"Can you get the greenie some food."

Frypan then passed me a sandwich.

"Thankyou." I replied.

I sat down on one of the rickety benches with Newt.

"Why are you staring at me Newt?"

"Oh sorry. You're... you're just beautiful."

I could feel my cheeks heat up at his words, however this lead me to wonder what I look like. I can't remember anything after waking up most people would probably panic but I haven't and I don't know why.

"Newt, what do I look like." I ask

"Well you are short probably around 4 11" maybe 5" you have very long brown hair which is very straight and goes down to your hips, you have big light green eyes, you have a few freckles across your cheeks and a thin figure,"

"Oh thankyou."
"What should I do now."

"I'll get Chuck to help you, because, well I need to attend the gathering so I'll get Chuck to show you where you'll sleep. CHUCK!!"

A kid no older than 12 jogged up to us.

"Hey Chuck can you show the greenie where she'll sleep, put her by the keepers to keep her safe."

"Will do, bye Newt."

Newt walked of into a shabby circular hut.

"Hi you must be the greenie, i'm Chuck, it's great to meet you."

Chuck was a very excited child he seemed very positive which made me feel like I wanted to hang around with him. "Yes, but I don't remember my name. Sorry"

"Don't worry about it."

"Can I ask you a question?"


"How long have they been here."

"We've been here three years. I've been here 2 months. Alby was here first and spent an entire month on his own. Can you imagine that? That's why he's leader."

Chuck guided me towards fifty odd hammocks. We walked through them to some more spaced out ones. Chuck said I was to sleep by the keepers as it would be safer than being around a load of boys. I think he means hormonal teenagers I laugh to myself as a group of boys ran through huge open doors that Newt pointed out earlier.

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