Where The Hell Were You

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Jasmines POV
I woke up on top of Austin. I gasped at the thought of me being in trouble for being out and not telling him. And also I'm here and not with my boyfriend! I got up from the ground and headed toward my house. As soon as I stood up I looked down to see me in my underwear and bra. I screamed. WHAT THE HELL! Austin quickly looked up from the ground and said what is it this time? He looked up and down at me remembering what happened last night. Dude Austin I have to go home. This wasn't supposed to happen. It was only supposed to be a walk! I tried looking for my clothes. He started laughing. Then he looked at my wrist. Oh my fucking god what did you do!?! I started cutting. I said looking down. I mean I don't want to but I'm really sad and depressed. He gave me a tight hug. He was still in his underwear so I felt his warm bear skin against my skin. Please Austin I need to go home. Okay Jasmine I will see you later. I don't know. I might be grounded. For how long? I don't really know. I started to walk home. I felt nauseous in my stomach. I walked on my porch. I opened the door quietly. I shut the door and walked up stairs quietly. But I heard someone cough. I looked toward the living room. Oh hey dad. I gave him  a soft smile. Where the hell were you? Nowhere I started to walk up the stairs. My dad yanked my arm down the stairs. I fell down a few steps. He yelled. STAND UP AND TELL ME! WHERE THE FUCK WERE YOU!? NOWHERE DAD! You were somewhere and not here. Just tell me where the fuck were you? He pushed me down and I started to cry. Dad this isn't you stop! He got on top of me and punched my face. He yelled. FINE DON'T FUCKING TELL ME JASMINE! He got up and stomped up stairs. I started bawling my eyes out. Why why does this happen to me? If I didn't go on that stupid walk none of this would of happened. I tried to get up but I was to weak. I was worthless. I'm just a stupid piece of shit. I need Jake right now. I got my phone out from my pocket and texted him. After I texted him I past out. I woke up to someone kicking me to get up. Ouch!! Get up it's School! Hurry up and get to school. I ran up the stairs with the pain shooting its way up all around my body. I went in my room to get leggings on and a sweatshirt on. I wiped my makeup off but there was still a little bit running down my face. I wiped it while I was getting my phone. I ran down the stairs and got an apple and shoes. I ran outside. I missed the bus. I saw a text on my phone. Babe are you okay? I didn't answer I just started walking to school. I was done with my Apple. I then put gum in my mouth. And started bawling. I was at school so I put my face down so no one can see me until Jake or the boys see me. I walked to my locker. I got my stuff from my locker and walked to social studies. As I was walking I saw Jake and the cheerleader making out hard core in the hallway. My smile went down to a frown. I screamed. AHHHH!!! My hood fell off to my back. Jake looked up at me. He immediately pulled away from her and walked to me. He gave me a hug and I cried out. NO GET THE HELL AWAY FROM ME!! I was going to tell you something that happened to me but you wouldn't care. You don't care about me. You don't love me. Jasmine. NO JUST STOP. I backed up banging into two people. I got scared and flinched and I looked behind me. I saw Ace and Alec. I hugged both of them. They looked down at me knowing somethings wrong. They hugged me. Alec said what did you do this time Jake? I kinda made out with that cheerleader. I cried harder as he said it.  They hugged me tighter. Ace go. I'll calm her down. I'm going to talk to Jake alone. Okay Ace left me alone with Alec. I cried into his shirt. Hey Jasmine look up. I did the motion for no. Come on. I looked up with tears streaming down my face. Oh Jasmine what's wrong? I I can't say. He'll hurt me again Alec. Tell me who the fuck did this Jasmine. My dad I said quietly. Oh Jasmine why? Because I I I. Well I didn't go to practice because I had to be somewhere with someone I said looking down. And I guess I forgot to come home after a few hours when he said be back in a few minutes. Cause I was going on a walk and I slept at the place I went. I was with my dads best friend. And things happened. It was only supposed to be a walk Alec. I said in tears shaking. So I was late and he k k kicked me, punched me. And I wouldn't say push I would say grab. He grabbed my arm hard and yanked it and I fell down a few steps. Oh Jasmine. And now I have a lot of bruises. And one is on my lip. And stomach. Look how bad they are. I lifted my shirt up and he felt it lightly. Alec I started crying. I don't wan to go home. Well we have practice after school. I don't even know who to trust right now. Hopefully this is going to distract me. No your not going to do anything your going to sleep and I'll drive you home. But I need something to distract me from everything. And football will help? It's better then sleeping thinking about it. True but you look tired. Well yeah because I was crying the whole night. We heard the bell for next class and people were waking out. Did we really talk for an hour? I guess so. We got our stuff from our lockers and went to science class. I sat with the boys with Jake sitting next to me. He tried talking to me which I ignored him. He didn't leave me alone. I got up and said I can't I just can't. I walked out of the class stubbing my toe on the way out. I yelled FUCK!  Everyone started looking at me and Jake looked worried. All I wanted to do was run into Jakes arms and tell him everything but I can't look at him. But as soon as I said that we made eye contact. I started crying. I ran out into the hallway and out of the school and ran to the football field. I sat on the benches. I closed my eyes for a few minutes till I heard walking from behind me. I opened my eyes quickly and jumped in fear thinking it was my dad so I turned around seeing Jake. I don't want to talk to you right now. Jasmine please. Jake no! You admitted what you did earlier. What you did not what she did. I got up and started running to the shed. I shut the shed and sat in the corner crying. Jake then opened it. Shit I forgot to lock the damn door. He shut it behind him. Jasmine what's going on. What's going on is you! I should of known this was to good to be true. Moving here thinking I can start over from everything. But I cant! I can't start over Jake! Do you know how badly I want to end it all right now! How I can just disappear where no one can find me. You all will eventually forget about me. Just go back to your fucking cheerleader Jake I don't need you! I handled myself last night I can handle myself a few more times till I have had enough. What happened last night. I was going to tell you this morning but you were to busy cheating on me. What were you going to say. I was out late last night doing something and then all of a sudden I just fell asleep and then I came back home my dad was drunk and my dad started beating me up. I fell down the stairs because he grabbed me. And then I fell asleep crying on the bottom of the stairs and woke up in the morning to him kicking me saying I had to go to school. I quickly got ready and ran out the door missing the bus and walked to school to find you and then I saw you with that cheerleader again and then you know the rest. What were you doing? Walking with a friend. See you were cheating. And I regret it! It was supposed to be just a walk. I cried shaking again. And it was just last night! I wasn't thinking but you were your actually dating that girl. She's your ex Jake. You did it many times. I did it once and it killed me Jake. The only reason why you only pulled away those times is because you saw me. I freaked out at myself for knowing what I did. I was scared I was going to lose you and I couldn't handle that feeling Jake! What my dad did. Made me feel also that I deserved it for what I did. Jake I lost my dad. He's gone it's like he's another person now who I don't even know and I hate it so much Jake! I heard walking and  yelling. I heard my name. Jake I whispered. He quietly went to the door and locked it. I started breathing heavy. I got my phone out to text Alec. I saw Jake walk to me quietly. Shhh he said I'll text the football boys  to go down for an early practice right now. He did that. My dad started banging on the door loudly. Soon I heard whistling. My dad ran away. Jake got up but I pulled him back to me to stay with me. He helped me up and he got a text from the guys saying that they are here. He unlocked the door and opened it. I was squeezing into his body and crying. Ace and Alec came to us. Jake told them what happened. I looked around to see if he was gone but my dad was still here. I cried hard into Jakes Chest saying he's still here I pointed. The coach came over to us and asked what's going on. Was he trying to harm you? I don't know. Was he in the influence of drugs or alcohol yes to alcohol I'm not sure about drugs. He blew his whistle and rounded the boys and told them to all get inside quickly and go into their next classes. I walked with the boys and coach. I had an instinct to look behind me. My dad was running towards us. I screamed and started running to the school. The coach stayed behind and yelled to the boys to run and tell the office to lock down the school. We got into the school and ran to the office and told them everything. The coach was behind us luckily. I couldn't find Jake anywhere and they were shutting down the doors. I started freaking out. I yelled for Jake. I saw him in the hall. I ran out of the hall but heard Jake say go back. I soon saw my dad holding a gun. Dad what are you doing this isn't you! The people in the office were just watching. And waiting for the cops to show up. Dad what do you want! I want you to come home right now! So your trying to get through me to hurt someone I love! Jasmine get over here. Jake told me to just go. Jake no I'm not leaving you. Dad this is stupid. It truly is. I heard the cops and he made a run for it. I ran to Jake and asked if he was okay. I'm okay but are you okay. No don't answer that just come here. The cops came to me and asked to go with them. I looked at Jake. It's okay go with them. He's my dads best friend. I looked at the cop questioning if it's true. He nodded, I'm Blake, and said come with me. I walked with him to his cop car. He said I can go in the front seat. My eyes lit up and I sat in the seat and started to smile excited. He drove us to the station. I got out and we went inside and he walked me to a room to talk about everything. So that's what I did. I told him every little thing. After that he asked If I can call anyone. I wanted to call my mom but I didn't want her to freak out. I told him will you tell my mom? He said that it's up to me unless I have another adult I can call. I called Austin.

Calling Austin
Hey Austin is my dad with you? No I don't have to see him for a while. Are you busy? I'm doing work Jasmine. Oh okay sorry to bother you bye I went to hang up but he said wait. What's going on. Why is your voice all shaky? Are you okay? I'm at the police station I need you to come get me. Why the hell are you there? Don't yell at me my voice was shaken. I'm not I'm just worried why your there. Just pick me up. Don't tell dad please I'll explain everything when you get here. Okay see you in a few.

Jasmine's POV
I hung up the phone. He would need to come inside so I can tell him this. He's the guy right? Yes. Alright. A few minutes later he called saying he's here. About that you need to come in. He hung up and walked in. What's going on Jasmine? He'll explain everything. I sat at the front waiting for them to get done talking. I saw suckers at the front desk. I glanced at them thinking if I should take one. I decided to get one and sat back down. Soon they both came out. I stood up as he looked at me and gave me a small frown. I started to tear up. He gave me a tight long hug. So What happens next? You'll be living with him but just tell us when your dad is out for work so we can pick up to get your things at your house. He's gone all day tomorrow. Okay so the morning works? I have school. It will only take 1 or 2 hours. Okay. Call if you need anything alright. Will do. I walked to the car and we sat in silence. I broke the silence. Please don't start with the whole silence thing now. What do you want me to say. I don't know something but not nothing. Why are you making it awkward? I'm just in shock for what your dad did I'm not upset or mad at you I'm just not sure how to handle this cause he's my best friend you know. No I get it. He's my dad so it's traumatizing for me. Well we are only a few minutes away from my house so sit tight. After a few short minutes that felt like forever we made it to his house. I walked into the house in front of him. As soon as he shut the door he said. He showed me around. Hey do you need to shower? Feel free too I'll give you some clean clothes to wear. I'm gonna make some dinner. Okay sounds good. I walked towards the bathroom. I turned on the shower. I turned around to seeing Austin putting clothes on the counter. I thanked him as he locked the door and shut it leaving me alone. I then looked in the mirror and started crying. I accidentally cried a little louder. I heard a knock on the door and I went silent. Hey Jasmine everything okay? Yeah yeah of course. Your funny cause I heard you crying. So if your decent open the door. I unlocked the door with tears streaming down my face. Jasmine. Take a big deep breath for me in and out 5 times. I did what he told me to do. He told me to not lock the door and to keep the door cracked. He went back to cooking. I took a shower and then I got dressed. I combed my hair with my fingers and washed my hands. I walked out to see him finishing up the food. Oooo you made chicken Alfredo I love it! He laughed and said grab a plate. We ate and talked helping ease my mind. I helped with the dishes. He showed me where his bedroom was at. You can sleep in here and if you need anything help yourself or ask me. Even if I'm sleeping you can wake me up. Okay thank you Austin. I laid down and fell asleep.

A few hours has passed as I woke up screaming and crying from a nightmare of what happened today. I heard running and shot up seeing Austin running to me. I screamed more as he got closer until he hugged me. I cried and hugged him tight. Bad dream Jasmine? It was terrible, it was about everything yesterday and the day of what my dad did to me. Hey look at me right now. He's not going to hurt you again. But Austin you don't even know that. Your right but your safe right now okay. I nodded. Okay now get some rest okay. As he stood up I held his hand saying stay with me please. Oh alright scooch over then. I moved to the middle of the bed. As he laid down I snuggled up on his chest holding him shirt and took a deep breath in and out. He wrapped his arms around me holding me tight as we fell asleep.

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