I Threw His Cigarettes

Start from the beginning

I try to move around him but he pulls on my arm, "you..." he begins and I can see him slowly let go of his anger as a new emotion takes over.

"You really don't get it, do you? Why people surround you even when you act like this raging cunt," He says and I watch his face go neutral no longer brooding.

"Excuse me?" I ask with eyebrows raised.

He just rolls his eyes, "Please it's not like this is who you really are or how you really act," he mumbles and I wonder how come I am so transparent to him, but only him.

"This is my fucking personality actually." I bite out.

"No, it's not. Because they wouldn't chase after you like this if you are as big of a bitch with me as you are with them," he watches my reactions closely, "I bet all that shit just now was all talk and you couldn't even hurt a fly if you wanted too."

I plaster on a fake smile and say, "buzz around the room long enough and we can test that theory out."

I expected his anger to return but I watch in awe as hip lip twitches up in the corners. I would have preferred anger because now I am completely lost in how handsome he is. How his smile is gentler than I had pictured, his eyes still hard but amusement circle through them.

"Ahhh," he says my eyes still glued to his lips, "I'm starting to get it."

Forcing my gaze to his, he seems to lost in thought to have noticed my moment of weakness which I will forever be thankful for. I watch as his face slowly hardens and he releases me.
"I get it. That mouth of yours must have pissed of the wrong kind of people. Now you're on the run," he concludes in a way almost correct.

"Hardly." I snap and pat myself on the back as he hesitates at my lack of an real explanation. If he was really right I would have said some lie to throw him off. But he was already chasing the wrong angle.

With that his anger returns, "whatever the fuck it is. It ain't their problem. Keep them out of your crap," he warns stepping back.

"Tell then that not me," I remind him.

With that I leave the patio and go on the search for Hazel. Only to find a very drunk version of her downing shots.

"Hazel what are you doing?" I ask as the boys, whom I've never met, cheer her on handing her more and more shots.


I grab her from the table of boys and pull her out of the room placing her against a wall so she can stand straight.

"Where are the others? The boys? Where is Jax?" I ask and she snorts at the last question.

"Jax ish with s-some blonde byda door," she slurs and then chuckles dryly, "So mutch for true loves."

I grab her arm and swing it over my shoulder having enough of this. I quickly dial a cab and shout the address into the phone telling him I have enough cash for one hell of a tip. He said he'd be there in 10 minutes.

I begin to walk us to the door which takes a minute Because Hazel wants to warn every person we pass "don't fall in love. Its overrated."

I roll my eyes and huff out a breath every time a boy agrees with her and asks her name. I glare at each of them and somehow we make it to the door.

"What the fuck?" I hear a rough voice hiss from behind me, "what are you doing."

Without turning to look at Axel I answer him, "I'm getting her home safe what does it look like I am doing?!" and hike Hazel's arm around my neck to help her stand better.

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