Chapter 14:Tails On The Case

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After an hour, they found Sonia and Manic's ride's, and they were completely ruined. Nothing left from the van, except for dented pieces of metal, parts, bolts and screws.

Manic: Aw man! It's ruined....

Sonia: That Egghead must have took the other parts....

Tails: (approached the van, inspecting it) Hmmm...

Sonic: So... Tails, do you think that you can fix it. Cause we're gonna need it if we're going to Mobotropolis someday.

Tails: Yeah, think I could. It depends on the damage, if I get the other parts I need for it. Sonic, can you help me gather up some parts that I need when we get back to my house and workshop?

Sonic: You got it, lil bud!

Manic: Dude, do you really think that you can fix it? Cause I can help you with that.

Tails: I built a T.V. out of paperclips, built a giant spaceship for two weeks and reprogrammed a super-computer using dish-washing detergent on a toothpick. So look, fixing a completely destroyed van? Well, that is as difficult as I fly in the air in the Tornado. But if you really want to help, then I won't stop you with that.

Manic: Alright! Thanks, T!

Tails: (chuckles) No problem, Manic!

Sonia: I found my motorcycle, but its completely ruined....

Tails: (approaches and inspect it) I think can fix it right away and also redesign it if you don't mind?

Sonia: Really? Thanks, Tails!

Tails: No problem, Sonia.

Manic: (groans in irritation) My hoverboard is broken and I've been taking care of it since I was a little hedgehog....

Tails: Don't worry Manic, I'll fix it for you and I can also redesign it if you don't mind.

Manic: Man..... Thanks kiddo, I really appreciate it.

Tails: Your welcome, happy to help.

Sonia: Okay, now we have to find a way to get back Tails' home before the sun sets.

Shadow: Silver, you use your psychokinesis to carry the broken ride's. Everyone hold each others hands.

Everyone holds their hands together, Sonic holds Shadow's and Amy's hands, Amy blushed as he holds her hand. Silver holds Amy's other hand, while using psychokinesis on the broken rides, while Knuckles holds Silver's, while Sonia shyly hold Knuckles', while Sticks holds Sonia's, while Manic holds Sticks', who is blushing right now.

Sonic: Tails, aren't you coming with us?

Tails: Nah, I think I should ride the Tornado back home. I can't leave it here anyways.

Kaze: We'll come with you, to make sure that you're safe.

Tails: Are you sure?

Darren: Of course, we aren't good uncles to you if we don't keep an eye on our new nephew.

Tails: (sits on the pilot's seat) Okay, now hop on!

Kaze and Darren sat on the back seats, and Tails starts the Tornado's engines. Then they took off, back to Tails' House.

Sonic: Alright, do your thing, Shadow!

Shadow: (yells) CHAOS.... CONTROL!

They disappeared into thin air, and reappeared at Tails' house. Sonic, Shadow, Silver, Knuckles and Amy are okay. But Sonia, Manic and Sticks are in a different story. They're extremely dizzy, they collapsed but Sonic, Knuckles, and Amy caught them just in time.

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