Chapter 4:Sonic's Past

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         The gang are getting worried for the two rivals and it's been 3 hours since they left. They hoped that they have better luck on finding out what is wrong with Sonic. Suddenly, they heard certain footsteps that is familiar to them. The door opened, revealing Sonic, Shadow, and Silver. Tails was over joyed, seeing Sonic alright.

Tails: (run towards to Sonic and hugs him) SONIC! YOUR OKAY!!!

Sonic: (hugs him back, tightly) Sorry to make you worried, lil' bro.

Shadow: Lil' bro?

Sonic: Yeah... You see, I adopted Tails since he was just 4 years old when I was 11.

Silver: (naively) Where are his parents?

        Tails suddenly became upset and Sonic gave Silver a 'look at what you did' look.

Silver: (apologizing) Sorry Tails, I didn't mean to-.

Tails: (quickly cut him off) It's okay... You don't know anything about it.

         They all sat around in a circle, ready to hear the reason why Sonic is depressed.

Sonic: I'm not who you think I really am... But, I'm still Sonic The Hedgehog.... My real name is Sonic Maurice Hedgehog, I was born in a city called Mobotropolis, the capital city of Mobius. It was ruled by a king and queen that goes by the names King Jules and Queen Aleena The Hedgehogs, they ruled the kingdom with peace and harmony. That is until Dr. Robotnik came to conquer Mobotropolis. The King leaded the wars, while the Queen stayed in the castle, by that time she gave birth triplets....

Tails: (curiously) What are their names?

Sonic: (hesitates, but continues) Their names are Sonic, Sonia, and Manic....

All Except Sonic and Knuckles: (yells) WHAT!?

Tails: Then, that means......

Sonic: (closes his eyes) Yes, I'm a prince....

          Everyone could not believe it.... Sonic a prince! Well, except for Knuckles, and only Sticks notice that.

Sticks: Ummm.... Knuckles, how come your not surprised about this?

Knuckles: Well.... You see, I met him and his siblings before back then. They went to Angle Island, because they were looking for their mother. At first, I though they were after the Master Emerald, which I first though it was a Chaos Emerald. I only find out what it really was when Tikal spoke to me, which I first though it was the Master Emerald's voice who spoke to me.

Tails: If you two have met before, then why did the two of you act like you haven't met?

Knuckles: Well.... I though that he is a different hedgehog who just look like the Sonic I know, since he doesn't wear his medallion. But when it was only the two of us, he got the chance to show it to me and realised that it was really him and we hug each other for old past's sake. He told me that we must act like we don't know each other until we really became friends at each other, but rivals when we argue. All the fights we made was all just an act, right Sonic?

Sonic: (smiles) You got that right, Knux.

Tails: Well... That means I'm not your first best friend?...

Sonic: Well no... But, you know what?

Tails: What?

Sonic: That you are my very first real friend that I made here outside the borders of Mobotropolis. All the friends I made here once were the animals that I rescued.

Tails: Really?

Sonic: (hugs him tightly) Yeah, and I'm glad that you are.

Amy: Alright, can you tell us what happens next?

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