Chapter 2:Unexpected Help From Two Rivals

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The two pairs of eyes belongs to Shadow and Silver, two of Sonic's rivals. Shadow happens to come across Silver this morning. Ever since Blaze is gone by sacrificing herself to save the future, Silver took her place as the guardian of the Sol Emeralds. He traveled back in time using the Sol Emeralds to see how everyone is doing. Shadow on the other hand, was completely upset for what he did. He almost destroyed the universe because of his rage because he was tricked by Eggman (The Eggman:The Video Game Incident). But, he didn't tell Silver about this, well not just yet. The reason they were spying on them is because Shadow was not ready to face them yet, even if he is the Ultimate Lifeform. As for Silver, being the naived one, followed whatever Shadow tells him to do. They are on the tree and make sure the branch is strong enough to hold them both. They noticed that Sonic is not with the rest of the gang.

Silver: (whispers) Shadow, is it me or Sonic is not with them?

Shadow: (exclaims while whispering, then hits Silver on the head) No, he is. OF COURSE HE'S NOT WITH THEM, YOU IDIOT!!!

Silver: (exclaims while holding his head) OWW, YOU DON'T HAVE TO HIT ME SO HARD!!!

Shadow: (whispers) But, you seem to have a point, Silver.

Silver: (whispers) Huh?

Shadow: (whispers) You see, Sonic is usually with them. Either having fun or working together to stop the Doctor's plans. Something's wrong and I can feel it.

Silver: (whispers) Well, why don't we ask them? They might know what's wrong with him.

Shadow: (whispers) Hmph, alright.

Both of them get off the tree branch and Silver knocked on the door.

Amy: Huh?! Who can that be?

Tails: I'll get it.... COMING!

Tails opened the door, that revealed the two hedgehogs. He was surprised to see Silver, but angry to see Shadow. The threat of destroying the universe and the fight between him and Team Sonic was still fresh in his and the others minds.

Tails: (greeted friendly, with a slight venom in the end) Hey, Silver. It's been a long time...... Hi, Shadow.

Shadow: Uhh... Tails, I'm not here to fight with you or the gang.

Silver: Ummm.... Tails, why are you being unfriendly to him?

Tails: (angrily) Well... It is something to do about him trying to destroy the whole universe!

After hearing that from Tails, Silver gave Shadow the 'is this true' glare on him.

Shadow: (crossed his arms) Put the blame on Eggman, he is the one who made me angry enough to do it.

Silver let it slide for awhile and noticed that Tails is a bit different. He's a little taller than the last time he saw him. He wear's a pair of brown pilot goggles, a brown shoulder-tool belt, and white athletes tapes around his shoes.

Silver: Wow, Tails you're a slight taller the last time I saw you.

Shadow: Not to mention he's a scientist now.

Silver: Wow! Really?

Tails was a bit surprised about Shadow's compliment.

Tails: Ummm.... Thanks... Well, do you want to come inside?

Silver: Sure!

Tails leaded them to the living room, where the meeting took place. Knuckles, Amy, and Sticks glared at Shadow while he took his seat. When Silver entered the room, he received a big hug from Amy.

Amy: Silver! It's so great to see you again!

Silver: (hugs back) Yeah, it's been a while, isn't it?

They broke the hug and Silver noticed that Amy changed as well. She was now matured and she wears a magenta headband, a white and purple gloves with rings on each wrists,a magenta dress with yellow buttons and white athletes tapes around her waist, a pair of purple stockings, and her shoes were baby pink and magenta with yellow buttons and gray straps.

Silver: Wow, Amy! You look great!

Amy: (giggles) Thanks, Silver!

Knuckles: Hey, Silver! Welcome back!

Silver: It's good to be back, Knuckles!

They give each other a high-five and Silver began to notice Knuckles is taller and he's more muscular than the last time. He wears a lot of athletes tapes around he's hands, reaching to his elbows. He's shoes were yellow and with sky-blue plates on top, red toes and green cuffed socks,he also had athletes tapes around he's legs.

Silver: (in though) Hmmm... Since the gang has changed, I wonder if Sonic has changed as well....

Sticks approached Silver and began to look at him with suspicion.

Sticks: (suspiciously) Are you a spy?....

Silver: (sweatdrops) Uhh.... No....?

Sticks: (smiles and reaches her hand out) Okay, good! My name's Sticks, Sticks The Badger!

Silver: (took her hand and give a handshake) It's a pleasure to meet you, my name is Silver The Hedgehog.

Silver: (sat downs) I've noticed that Sonic is not with you. Where is he?

Knuckles: He was in his shack, and he's depressed. If you're gonna ask when, it was since last week.

Tails: We've been very worried for him. Since, he doesn't hang out with us anymore.

Shadow: (suggests) Can you tell me the changes of his routines? Maybe I might know what's wrong with him.

They don't know if they could trust Shadow, but it's worth a shot.

Amy: (hesitantly) Well.... First of all, he never came out of his shack. Except, when he needed to eat or when Eggman is attacking. And he also stayed quiet while he was fighting the badniks. No cocky comments, no taunts, not even a single word came out of his mouth. When everything is done, he always returned to his shack.

Silver: Did you try talking to him?

Sticks: Well, we did. But, he never open the door to us and he said, "Go away, I don't want to talk about it for now. Just leave me be...". And we kinda heard him sobbing.

Knuckles: (in though) When will he tell them about his past? And of course, I can't tell them since I promise not to tell anybody about it.

Shadow: (thoughtfully) According to what you said.... Those are the things we do when we were thinking about our past, a sad one.

Everyone looked at him and nodded in agreement. But, the real question is how do they solve this problem? Suddenly, Shadow stood up from his seat.

Shadow: I'm going to try and talk to Sonic. I know I've done many horrible things to all of you guys and that I hate him, but that doesn't mean I can't help him.

Silver: (suggests) I'll come too
It's been a awhile since I haven't seen him.

They didn't expected this. But, who knows? Maybe they can solve this.

Tails: Okay... Good luck you two.

The two hedgehogs nodded and left, going straight to Sonic's shack.

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