Chapter 9:Saved By Sonic Boom

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         Eggman was laughing his head off as Sonia and Manic were fighting the badniks off. Sonia is using her keyboard to blast them off, while Manic used his drums to destroy them.

Eggman: (laughs) Ohohohohohoho! You may have defeated my badniks. But you can't destroy your own brother, can you?

         As soon as he said that, Metal Sonic flies over them, preparing to hit them with his Plasma Pulse Attack.

Sonia: (worried) Manic, what are we going to do?

Manic: (scared) I-I don't know, Sonia....

Eggman: You two have a choice to make. I will let you live and be my slaves forever or let Metal Sonic to hit you with his Plasma Pulse Attack at you. See? I'm not completely heartless, so what's it gonna be?

Sonia: Are you crazy!?

Manic: Yeah! We would rather be killed than be your slaves, Ro-buttnick!!!

Eggman: Hmph! Fine, be that way.... Metal Sonic... Finish them! Ohohohohoho!!!

         Metal Sonic is about to unleash his Plasma Pulse Attack, when all of the sudden a blue blur quickly ran over to Sonia and Manic, who were closing their eyes to braised themselves from any pain. Sonic quickly activated his Insta-Shield to protect them from the incoming attack. Metal Sonic unleashed his attack and it hit the Insta-Shield. Eggman wasn't be able to see because of the smoke and Sonia and Manic noticed that nothing happened to them, until......

???: So.... You're using Metal to pretend that I was roboticize? Not cool, Eggman!

Eggman: What!?

        Sonia and Manic opened their eyes and they were over-joyed. Sonic is now right in front of them, alive and kickin'. He wears the same smirk that he usually wears on his face with determination on his eyes.

Eggman: (groans) You nasty little Pin-cusion!!! Why would you always interfere with my schemes?

Sonic: (seriously) Well, the answer's easy, Egghead. I don't want you to rule the world after I witnessed to what you did to Mobotropolis. You took away everyone's freedom and hurt them for no aparent reasons.... I won't let you hurt anyone ever again, which is the reason why I always follow you.... To make sure that you won't ever return to Mobotropolis or hurt anyone in the outer borders of the kingdom and most of all, is to protect my friends and family from the likes of you!!!

Sonia: (cries and sniffles) Ohh, Sonic....

Manic: (cries and sniffles) I knew that he still cares about us....

Eggman: Bah! No matter! Since, Kaze and Darren are not here, this will be a piece of cake!!!

??? and ???: Oh, really?

Eggman: Huh!?

Darren: (lands right next to Sonic on the left) We won't let our nephews and niece fight alone.

Kaze: (lands right next to Sonic on the right) Yeah! We won't let that happen!!!

Sonia and Manic: Uncle Kaze! Uncle Darren!

Orbot: Looks like your plan is backfiring again, boss.

Cubot: (screams) AHHHHHH!!!! BURNED!!!

Eggman: (Yells then hits Cubot) SHUT UP, YOU FOOL!!! Well.... I suppose it's time for plan B! *presses the button on his wrist*.

          Tons of Megabots, Designatorbots, Obliteratorbots, Bee-bots and Crabmeats come out and surrounded them, with Metal Sonic hovering above them. Sonia and Manic were a bit scared and overwhelmed of how many badniks there are. But Sonic, Kaze, and Darren were not scared, not one bit.

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