Chapter 7:Good And Bad News Roll Into One, Rivals No More

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An alarm went on Tails' computer. He checked what is wrong and a video flashed in front of him. It was Dr. Eggman, riding in his Egg Mobile with Metal Sonic on his side. He's eyes went wide when he saw non other than Sonia and Manic. They were cornered and fear and hatred was written on their faces.

Tails: (in though) Oh no! If Sonic would be seeing this, he's gonna loose it!

Sonic: So, what's the emergency, Tails?

Tails: (signs) I got good news and bad news.....

Knuckles: What's the good news?

Tails: The good news is I can see our siblings from one of my spy-cams. Both Sonia and Manic together.

Sonic was completely in bliss and excitement, for he can't wait to see his siblings.

Shadow: And the bad news?

Tails: Oh.... Yeah.... Sonic, you need to hold your temper on this one. Cause you may not like it.

Sonic: Okay, I'll try.

Tails: (in though) Here goes nothing....*signed* The bad news is that Eggman got them cornered in the forest. Metal Sonic is with him. My theory is that Eggman is trying to make them believe that you were roboticized.

Sonic: (yells, angrily) WHAT!!!!

He pushed him out of the way and saw what is happening. Eggman was laughing hysterically. Metal is glaring at his siblings, scaring them off. At this condition, Sonic's blood has reached to it's boiling point and you don't want to mess with Sonic when he's angry.

Sonic: (angrily) That rotten, sneaky of an egg! Sorry guys, but I have to save them.

He walk towards the door and was about to reach the doorknob, when Shadow grabbed his hand.

Shadow: Sonic....

Sonic: (yells, angrily) WHAT!!!

Shadow: (in though) Man... Now that is one angry Sonic that I don't want to mess with... Sonic, I'm coming with you. I have to make it up to you remember? So I'll help you save your siblings.

Silver: Me too. I may not know what it's like of having a family, but that doesn't mean I can't help.

Tails: So have I, since they are my siblings as well.

Amy: Count me in!

Sticks: Me too!

Knuckles: Me three!

Sonic was glad that his friends and brothers are willing to help him at anytime he needs it. Suddenly, he heard the Oracle of Delphius' voice in his mind.

Oracle: (telepathically) You can tell them now, Prince Sonic......

Sonic: Shadow..... Silver..... There is something that you need to know.....

Shadow: What is it Sonic?

Sonic: You see.... You two are.... M-my l-long l-lost b-b-brothers....

Everyone: (yells) WHAT!!!

Silver: But.... That's impossible! Shadow and I are from different timelines, plus Shadow's created!

Sonic: I-I k-know.... B-but, I-I don't k-know t-this f-f-from t-the v-very s-start.... I-I just g-got the information from the Oracle of Delphius yesterday.....*sobs* I-I'm sorry I-I d-didn't t-tell you from the start.... M-mom has t-to gave us up to seal a deadly fate. So.... S-she left us in three different families, b-but... She can't find a family for the t-two of y-you. S-so... She used a s-spell to send to the t-timelines you guys t-thought you came from. A-and Shadow, y-your n-not c-created.Y-you are naturally immortal, for D-dad i-is i-immortal a-as w-well and I-I.... *sobs uncontrollably*.

Shadow and Silver saw the signs that Sonic is not lying, so them give him a hug. But not just any kind of hug, but a brotherly one.

Shadow: Shhh..... It's okay Sonic. We understand that you were just afraid of us not accepting that you are our brother..... Aren't you?

Sonic: (sobs and nods as an answer) M-mhmm....

Silver: Well, you don't have to worry about that. Because we are glad that you told us. I've always though that I don't have family and my parents abandoned me. But now.... I've found out that you guys are my siblings, I'm completely happy of that.

Shadow: Me too.... I'm glad that I'm not created and actually have a real family. So, stop sobbing because we have siblings to rescue.

Sonic: (sniff and wipes his tears away) Okay.

Shadow: (puts his hand in front) So.... brothers?

Silver: (puts his hand on top of Shadow's hand) Brothers.

Tails: (puts his hand on top of Silver's hand) Brothers!!!

Sonic: (smiles) No.... Brothers... Till the end of time... *puts his hand on top of Tails' hand*.

Then, the four siblings gave a group hug and the others joined in. They broke the hug and with a determined look on Sonic's face, he turned to Tails, whom he asked to give Shadow and Silver each a team communicator and energy-beam bracelets. The two eventually knew that Sonic is going to ask them if they can join Team Sonic. They said yes for they want to have some quality time with him, since they now know they were his brothers. When everything is done they set off to find Sonia and Manic. Suddenly, something crossed into Silver's mind.

Silver: (flying in the air using psychokinesis) Sonic?

Sonic: (running in Mach 1) Yes, Silver?

Silver: If we really are siblings, how come Shadow and I didn't look like Mom or Dad?

Sonic: You and Shadow may not look like Mom and Dad, but you guys did look just like Uncle Kaze, Uncle Darren and Aunt Sapphire. I'll show you the pictures of them later.

Shadow: (stakes at Mach 1) Sonic, who do I get my chaos powers from?

Sonic: From Dad, I got my speed from Dad,too. And Silver got his psychokinesis from Mom. Alright, now let's stop talking and start searching! Look out Egghead, cause you will taste the new power of Sonic Boom!!!

Tails: Sonic Boom?

Sonic: (running backwards) Well, I decided to change the name a bit.

Shadow and Silver: (gawking) Gahhh.....

Sonic: (notices Shadow and Silver gawking at him) Why are you guys gawking at me?

Shadow: Why are we gawking!? How come your running backwards and still be able to maintain your speed!?

Sonic: Well, I'm use to it, why?

Silver: Because, we haven't seen you doing it at all!? Just now!!!

Sonic: (running forwards again) Oh.... I get it, you two were one the persons who didn't saw me running backwards. Hey Shadow, can you skate backwards?

Shadow: Uhh... To be honest, no.

Sonic: Well, if you don't mind then after we save Sonia and Manic, I'll show you how to do it.

Shadow: (smirks) Sure, I wouldn't mind if you do.

Them they get back on the track to save Sonia and Manic. But, eventually stopped when they heard two mysterious voices in the forest.

Sonic Boom:The Returnity Of The Sonic UndergroundOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora