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You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: 15 m just tryin to make new friend

You: okay good!! Hi :)

Stranger: hey hows it goin

You: good!! you?

Stranger: pretty awesome id have to say

You: well awesome lol

Stranger: theres too many weirdos on this site

You: I know right!? It is annoying

Stranger: they need to makr a section just for horny prople lol

You: lol yeah they should!

Stranger: all i find are guys that only wanna talkbto girls

Stranger: it gets boring after a while

You: yeah I just say stupid stuff to annoy them... Dunno why lol

Stranger: i only one guy that didnt want to have cybersex or some bullshit

Stranger: the rest are girls

You: wow, I have met a few guys who like to actually have a convo lol, so do the girls (most of them)

Stranger: lol you tell the gender pretty much if you start out saying what i did

Stranger: cuz guys automatically disconnect

Stranger: girls are like " hallelujah!l

Stranger: lol

You: oh yeah, never thought of that!! LMAO XD !! I just want a conversation so I talk to anyone (unless they pervs)

Stranger: yea same here

Stranger: idc what age or gender or anything

You: yeah same!

Stranger: hell ill talk to a 30 yo person

Stranger: even tho tjats kinda creepy lol

You: haha, same! I think I talked to a 30 something year old once but I ended up disconnecting XD

Stranger: yeah so hows life

Stranger: fuck im repetitiv lol m bad

You: lol don't warry out it XD, my life is good atm, just really bored!! you?

Stranger: same just experiencing withdrawal fro

Stranger: from cod

You: I have never played that... lol if I had a brother I probably would lol

Stranger: lol im a huge gamer nerd so i play it all the time

You: I watch movies alot lol

Stranger: you do any sports?

You: I used to .. I have singing lessons!

Stranger: cool youre a singer ive never met one idont think lol

You: yep :) I love singing lol ! Alot of my friends do singing too lol

Stranger: i couldve swore i met chris brown on here las summer

You: lol serious!? XD

Stranger: looked just like him and he was playing chris brown music on there

Stranger: but he just denied

My weird omegle conversations!Where stories live. Discover now