It's called manners!!

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This guy was a pain in the ass, he was rude and racist -__- if you are going to find it offensive please don't read!!

You: wazzzuuuupppp

Stranger: hi

Stranger: asl

Stranger: fine dude

You: ]why do you people always ask that!? geez

Stranger: asl

You: omigod it's called manners!

Stranger: u geek

Stranger: asshole

You: aw thanks I try to be one

Stranger: mama's boy

You: Im not a boy faggot

Stranger: ur kidding

Stranger: because 99% of people here are boys u faggot

Stranger: freaking buzz offf baby

You: well, I dont have balls or a nut sack, faggot!!

Stranger: lol

Stranger: want my bananain ur pussy

You: nah I dont like bananas...

Stranger: then what do u like

Stranger: a pussy??

Stranger: lol

Stranger: u faggot

Stranger: fucking geek

You: no I dont like your banana!! simple as that

Stranger: oh no no u are a faggot

You: hhahaah someone doesn't like rejection

Stranger: what the f*** will happen if u reject me

Stranger: there are plenty of girls

Stranger: with a big boobs

Stranger: big thighs

Stranger: sexy lips

Stranger: sexy ass

You: yes, there are plenty of girls who come on here looking for what could be a 50 year old pedo

your arguement is invalid

Stranger: no im not talking about the omegle

Stranger: there are plenty of girls outside

You: well go out and get a girl instead of coming on here! your arguement is still invalid

Stranger: give me ur yahoo id babe

You: YAHOOOOOO! i dont have it :P

Stranger: then what the f*** u have??

Stranger: u kid

Stranger: i think u are an afro american

Stranger: black girl

Stranger: witha dirty pussy

Stranger: yuck

You: lol you need to be medicated... want me to go find a black girl and show her this, she'll beat the shit outta you

Stranger: i hate black

Stranger: i think u are a black monkey so on behalf of them u are arguing with me

Stranger: ??

Stranger: i have a banana

You: Im sticking up for them, you are a racist f***

You: you have nothing lol

Stranger: yes im a f****** racist u monkey

You: yeah Im a very intellegint monkey who can type... WOW

Stranger: yes u are a monkey from africa

Stranger: very intelligent monkey

Stranger: need some banana??

You: haha you are fighting with a monkey... how sad of you

no I don't thanks!

Stranger: even a dog doent want to f*** a black negro like u asshole

You: you really cant handle arguements can you... bringing black people into this...

Stranger: i can handle arguments very well

Stranger: even better tha u asshole

Stranger: u are a kid infront of me

Stranger: u little pussy

You: well heres a news flash... I AM a kid!! hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahhahaha

You: at least im not 50

Stranger: how old are u??

Stranger: 18 LOL

Stranger: kiddo

You: why should I tell you? why should I believe you are 18?

Stranger: hello u kiddo

Stranger: im 27

You: alright, Im 14!! and that just proves you are more of a child than I am... you come on here and pick fights and frame black people

You: you are a joke

You: buuuuurrrrnnn

Stranger: no u are a ready made joke u black ass

Stranger: black is the color

Stranger: stranger is the name

You: see? there you go again with the black jokes... you seem like you're about 12

Stranger: lado muji machikni

Stranger: machikni challa

Stranger: chakka

You: what? lol are you swearing in another language...? oooh how epic of you!!!.

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