Chapter 2

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I woke up the next morning with a bit of a hangover, but nothing serious. I’ve had worse, like last year’s Halloween bash. That was a bitch of a morning. Kate came over at eight to pick me up. My mum protested, saying that she should take me, but I told her that if she was making me go to the wretched school then Kate was going to be the one to take me. We packed my things into her car and I hugged my mum briefly before we started the two hour drive into the city. We blasted the radio and joked around the whole way. I was really going to miss seeing her every day, and I mean literally mean every day. We had classes together at school, we had sleepovers every other night, weekends were the time to party and go out, or camp out in Sam’s back field; he lives on a property. Those parties were amazing, bonfires and strip poker, skinny-dipping in the dam. Instead of having and amazing last year of high school with my friends I get to spend it listening to a bunch of whining bimbos at the ‘Ladies College’ in the city. I was so bummed.

We pulled up outside the school and sat there staring at the gates.

“It’s the break in a month; you’re coming back then aren’t you?” Kate said.

“Well I’m not going to stick around here.”

“Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.”

“Even if I did, what would that leave me with?” I turned to look at her and she smiled.

I leant over to hug her before grabbing my bags and getting out of the car.

“Text me every day.” She said.

“I will,” I waved as she drove away.

I sat in the principal’s waiting room while she was seeing another student. A few of the other students walked past and I noticed instant differences, they were all so plain, hardly any make-up, compared to my eyes that were covered with a thick layer of eyeliner and eye-shadow, I had lots of jewellery whilst they had hardly any, yeah, they were all so conventional.

“Kim Rafter?”

I looked up and the receptionist was calling my name. When I sat down in the chair opposite the principal she gave me a look that said ‘that has to go’.

“Good morning Miss Rafter, welcome to North Lake.” She said in a smooth, pristine voice that made me want to vomit.

“Hey, how’s it going?” I made a small waving gesture.

She smiled gently, “So you’ll be starting mid-way through our term and we have a few different dorm options for you, so you can take your pick if you like.”

“Uh, yeah, sure.”

“We have a place in the Swan House; you can share with Emily or Sarah. Or there is one in the Peacock House with Janine.” She looked at me expectantly.

“Okay, no offence, but I don’t know any of these chicks so what does it matter?”

She narrowed her eyes and smiled sweetly, “I’ll put you in Swan House with Emily. Now I have to mention a few of our rules that you don’t seem to have heard of. Firstly, we only allow our girls to wear minimal make-up and jewellery, and no piercings other than one set of ears. I can see you have the top of your ear done, are there any other secret hiding spots?”

I ran the ball on my tongue over the top of my mouth. “No, that’s it.”

“Good, well I’ll have to ask you to take that earring and remove your make-up before you start classes on Monday. We also have rules on leaving campus. Sunday to Thursday nights no one is to leave campus before three, as that is when teaching hours cease, and you must be back by five, and everyone is to be in their dorm rooms by ten sharp. Friday and Saturday nights we permit our students to leave campus but the curfew is raised to eleven and all students must be in their dorm rooms by twelve.”

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