Chapter 1

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I started out as a small fish in a big pond. A nobody, a misfit. A lot can change in a short period of time. I grew up in a small town, well, not one of those ‘small towns’ infamous for some kind of mass murder or freaky horror story, one of those normal towns where everybody goes to the same high school with the people they went to primary school with, the type of town where gossip travels fast between the social-mums, the one where you grow up to be rough and tough, and instead of a ball at some fancy hotel, you have a dance in the gymnasium. Though the after-party was the part that everyone waited for, there was always that one kid with the big house who had some massive blow-out that lasted well into the next morning. Jimmy Crowe, I always wondered where his parents ended up on the night of the school dances.

In primary school I was like one of the boys, me and Kate, we would wrestle, spit, and curse. You name it, if the boys did it, we did. When we started to get older and there was that whole ‘starting to notice the opposite sex’ craze, nothing really changed it just got awkward. I mean, I don’t have to tell you how weird it is to wrestle with a thirteen year old boy with a boner when your tits haven’t even popped out yet. Not that I really thought about the boner thing. Not until a group of us decided to do some research on sex, we spread that information through school like STI’s, which was something else that spread in certain circles a year later. When I turned fourteen, I had size C tits, love handles on my hips yet I wasn’t a fat-ass, and that year I was still a brunette. It was also the year I had my first romantic encounter with a guy. I say romantic but we all know I mean it was the year a guy first put his hand in my pants. Not that he knew what to do once he got down there but the point remains the same. Joel Withers, he was one of the guys in my group and he came by my place to hang out, which wasn’t unusual. We were hanging out in my room and play fighting; I guess our hearts started beating and I may have ended up sitting on him with his hands above his head, and when he rolled me over we just sort of, kissed. It was a good first kiss, we both had no idea what we were doing so there was no pressure. We knew how to do it, we spent about a month that year watching porn, it started as a joke but in reality we were all taking mental notes for when we finally got the chance to do it. I know that me and Joel weren’t the first ones in the group to do stuff like that, Mike got to second base with Amy Divers at the beginning of term. I know ‘second base’ probably means shit all because no one actually knows the lines between bases, but basically she gave him a good blow and he put his hands down there. Apparently anyway. When Joel first put his tongue in my mouth it was kind of strange, but I got used to it, in fact, I started to like it. We were just sort of lying there with our tongues twisting around so I put my hand on his chest and slid it down til I felt him under his jeans. I hardly touched him but he groaned into my mouth with the thrill of the first hand to touch his crotch, well, apart from his own. My hands were shaky but I managed to unbutton his jeans and pull down the zip, I didn’t do anything for a while after that, I didn’t know if I should have or not. He took his chances and put a shaking hand inside my shirt and over my bra. I remember that his hand was a little cold but it soon warmed up. He unbuttoned my school shirt and started to feel around. I put my hand back on his crotch and started doing what I had seen in those videos, and heard about from Amy. It was the first time I made a guy orgasm. That was when he put his hand in my pants. It didn’t feel bad, but it didn’t feel great. We were interrupted when my mum got home from work. She didn’t walk in on us or anything; she just pulled up in her car so we figured we should put our clothes on. I hooked up with Joel again when I was fifteen, he was the one I lost my virginity to, he also gave me my first orgasm. We have a special kind of friendship I guess you could say.

When I turned fifteen I went with Kate to get our belly-buttons pierced. It was a stupid fad that hit our school. When we got there we figured that we’d break the mould, we got our tongues done instead. I dyed my hair deep purple too, and got really into the band scene. Kate and I started going out to gigs, not that we were old enough at fifteen but we went out and got in. that year was the first time I had alcohol, got drunk, got stoned. It was the first time I went to one of Jimmy’s parties.

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