Chapter 1

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My phone begins to vibrate on my desk and I cannot help but smile when I see Daniel's name on the screen. Although it has been five days since our very dramatic reunion, I'm still living in a dream world, and I love it. I reach across and turn it on.

"Hey, Hollywood." I tease, while sipping the lukewarm coffee I had forgotten about.

"Hi... errmm... London?" He laughs. "You're so weird."

"What do you want, slacker? You know how busy work is for me with us closing for Christmas next week. I'll be glad when you're actually working again." I smirk while I balance the phone between my cheek and shoulder, as I type an email. I really don't have time for this.

"I know, sorry. Just one quick question. Where is your passport?"

"What?" I practically shout. He has my full attention now.

"I've had this place upside down, looked everywhere. I can't find it." He sounds frustrated that he has had to ruin whatever surprise he is planning.

"You sure you've actually moved anything? Your searching usually involves a cursory glance around the room." I can't even hide the amusement in my voice.

"This isn't funny. I need it. Please... where is it?" He sounds like he is pacing while he speaks.

"Tell me why first?" I feel a bubble of excitement rise in my chest. I know he won't tell me where we're going, but I'm enjoying how stressed he seems by it all.

"You know the rules, Lizzie. It's a surprise. All I'm going to say is that you're finishing early today, so you need to work faster!" Now there is humour in his voice.

"Daniel, thank you for whatever you're planning. But, I really am too busy for this. Can't we do it another time? Once I've broken up from work, maybe?"

"Nope." He pops the p. "I've already cleared it with Helen, my love. So, enough chatting ... I'm picking you up at four. Now, where is it?"

I give in with a giggle. "Sounds like you have it all sorted. I wish I knew where we were going though. OK, go to my bookcase in the living room. You will see that there are two copies of Mary Shelley's Frankenstein. One of them is just a cover around a secret box. My passport is inside."

"A book ... of course it is!" He sighs and then I can hear rummaging while he looks for the right book. "I've got it. Again, you're so weird."

"I will take that as a compliment. When am I going to have chance to pack?"

"It's already taken care of."

"You've packed for me?" I feel my blood pressure rise through the roof when I think about what he might have packed.

"Just trust me." He says a little too confidently.

I put my head in my hands in defeat. "OK, OK. I will see you at four. I've really got to go now. I love you."

"I love you more." Then he's gone and I sit there, still smiling at the screen, long after the call ends.

I look up from my computer to see Helen hovering by my office door, with the biggest grin plastered over her face.

"So, you were in on this?" I shout, so that she can hear me through the glass.

"He may have called me on Monday. He's quite the charmer." Helen grins as she steps into my office.

"Monday! So he's been planning this all week. I had no idea." I shake my head in disbelief, but the smile refuses to leave my lips.

"With us closing for Christmas, I think he knew he wouldn't be seeing much of you this week. Let's be honest, you've been working more hours than me. So, he wants to steal his girl away from reality for a while... I wish my husband would do the same."

Letting in Light ✔️ [Completed] [Book two]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt