Chapter 65

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Leaning back in the chair to stretch the muscles in my neck, I struggle to alleviate the stiffness. Reluctantly, I let go of Daniel's hand, and begin to pace around his room. My joints ache and crack in protest at the movement after all these hours of remaining still.

Thankfully, Madison only returned to inform me that because Daniel wouldn't be waking up any time soon, she was going home to rest. I think back to the conversation and even though I wanted to scream at her for leaving him, I just remained polite and said I would call her if there was any change. "Your mom is a piece of work!" I say to Daniel with a devilish grin.

Although they have removed the tape from over his eyes, they remain closed in his sedation. His dark and lengthy eyelashes kiss his pale cheeks softly.

I quickly use the bathroom in the en-suite facilities, leaving the door ajar just in case Daniel makes any noise. Once I'm back in his room I continue to walk in circles while chatting to him. "The surgeon seems positive that you're going to be just fine, doesn't he?" I look over at Daniel who obviously doesn't respond. "Now that they've reduced the sedation drugs, you need to wake up on your own. So come on, baby... wake up for me." I stand at the edge of his bed, but only the beeps of the monitors respond.

Staring at him, completely dependent on the machines, I feel a stray tear fall heavily down my cheek. "Eurgh, look what I'm doing again! Bloody crying!" I wipe at my eyes a little too roughly. "It's the last thing you need to hear! Me blubbing again!"

Returning to the side of the bed, I awkwardly stretch across to kiss his cheek. "You'd laugh at me if you could see me now, I'm too short to kiss you properly!" I take my seat, immediately holding his hand again. "You need to wake up Daniel. You promised me that you would take me abroad for a while and I intend to make you keep that promise." I chuckle softly before a fresh deluge of tears escape my eyes at the thought that our future might be cut short. Stop it, I scream inside. Stay positive.

"Hmmm... where shall we go? America? Ooh, shall we rent a ranch and just live in the middle of nowhere for a while. Or Australia? I've always wanted to see the Great Barrier Reef. How about Italy?" I sigh loudly. "I would follow you anywhere. So please just wake up and we will go and do whatever you want." I sob quietly.

The door into the room opens, and light floods into the dimly lit room. "Hi Lizzie. Just come to check Daniel's vitals."

"Hi Donna." I respond warmly to the nurse who is on the night shift.

I move out of her way and step back into the corner of the room. Watching her check and monitor each machine and tube makes me nervous.

"You should try and get some rest." She says sternly to me as she writes down the readings.

"I'm fine."

"You have concussion." She responds simply.

"I'm fine." I repeat. "Shouldn't he be waking up now?"

"You know there is no hard and fast rule here. Unfortunately, Daniel will wake up when his body is ready. But, if he's not showing any signs of waking up in the next twenty four hours, the doctors will run some more tests to see if something else is going on."

"Like what?" I practically shout.

"You can talk about it with the doctor in a few hours, it's nearly morning." She squeezes my hand sympathetically before leaving the room without looking back, closing the door behind her.

Beep beep beep

I resume my position in the chair next to him, holding his hand tightly. My other hand traces an infinity pattern up and down his forearm. The memory of him doing that on my back flashes into my mind bringing on another tsunami of tears.

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