So-Hyun let out a sigh of relief, at least it wasn't the question she thought he was trying to ask. Holding his hand tighter she teased him, "Seonsaengnim, why is it that you lose your cool around me? It's a relief that I get to be the only one to see you like this"

"Yes, I'll be your girlfriend". She grinned and watched as he pulled out a silver pendant necklace from his pocket and placed it in her hands.

"Seonsaengnim" Her eyes widened in surprise

"In this secret that we've both entangled ourselves in, I'll be your safe haven. When I'm not with you, you can speak to that necklace and think of it as me knowing that you're not alone. I know it's a bit corny, but I genuinely mean it, I'm serious about you" He whispered with nervous eyes.


"I'll always be on your side" He added.

"Thank you" Words couldn't form how she felt, perhaps it was a combination of being touched and coming to the realisation that this was all real.


The next morning So-Hyun stood in front of her mirror staring at the necklace Seung-Ho had given her. This was the first present she'd ever gotten from someone that wasn't her mother or brother and rubbing it softly she spoke to it. "Seonsaengnim, I'm not quite sure what love is yet, but because of you... Because of Seonsaengnim, I think I'm getting closer to finding out".

She was brought out of her thoughts by the sound of her mum calling for her. Approaching the bottom of the stairs, she saw her mother sat by the kitchen table with legs crossed and arms folded waiting for her.

"Mum, you called?"

"Sit down" Her mother said eyes following So-Hyun as she moved carefully to sit in front of her.

"W-what's wrong? What's with the mood, you're scaring me" So-Hyun said half-joking but scanning over hundreds of things she could have done this past week to upset her mother. Did I forget to defrost the meat?

"You" Her mother started "You're dating someone aren't you?" Her mother questioned, now smiling at her daughter.

"Huh?" was her response, flustered by the question. How does she know?

"So-Hyun-ah, I'm your mother it's called instincts every mother in the world has it and mine's telling me that you've got someone" she teased "Who is he? Is he good looking?"

"Mum! S-stop, I-I'm not dating anyone"

"Then w-why d-d-do you keep s-stuttering" Her mother probed further, teasing her "You can't hide it from me. My daughter, the most anti-social being in all of Seoul has suddenly started going out and made a new friend, staying out later than usual... and even sleep talking about love"

Sleep talking?! So-Hyun's eyes widened

"Ha! I was just testing you but judging by your reaction there must be someone. Is it Jin-Goo? Well he's a nice kid, a little dopey, but cute"



"It's not Jin-Goo" So-Hyun confessed

"So, there is someone! My instincts never fail me, so who is he? Don't worry I'm not going to ask you to introduce him... yet. It's okay to date So-Hyun-ah" Her mother grinned "I'm not asking you to get married or anything, I just want to make sure that you're happy"

Her mother walked to sit down by So-Hyun's side "Are you happy?"

"... I'm happy" she replied leaning into her mother's arms.

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