Early Sunday morning..

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Author's Note: There will be different point of views in this story.. so let me know if you like that idea or not. I'm writing to please you guys. Thanks for reading! It's just getting started so it's a little slow.

Darcy's Point of View:

So, I went downstairs to see what my parents had planned for the day since they were actually home and able to spend time with the one and only; moi. Just kidding, i'm not actually self centered at all. I'm your typical only child teenager. Anyways back to what I was saying... I made my way down the stairs of our house and quickly went into the kitchen.

The first thing I heard was my mom's beautiful singing voice above the low music that was playing in the kitchen. I used to wonder how I got a decent singing voice but then one day I heard my mom singing Isn't she lovely by Stevie Wonder and all of my questions were answered.

My mom was singing to none other then One Direction and my dad was reading the newspaper with a coffee in his hand, i've never been a big coffee drinker. Maybe because going to London was always my dream so I thought I should get used to drinking tea, and now 3 years later.. I am addicted to tea, especially Yorkshire. Yumm. But it's fairly hard to get your hands on it, my mom has to buy it at special places and she gets enough for me and herself. I got her hooked on it, so I wasn't  surprised when she had one near her on the counter while she was cooking.   I walked up to my mom and made conversation, "Hey mom, whatcha cooking?" She responded, "Oh just your favorite breakfast food..." 

I got excited quickly, she's making belgium waffles! Yumm again. Today really was turning out to be a good day, even though I knew it was going to end eventually, i've always seen the bright side of things. One of the many things my dad passed down to me was his bright attitude towards everything. Technically, Mike isn't my real dad but I consider him my dad and he's always been there for me unlike my real dad. My mom's name is Amelia, and she's honestly the most amazing mother. I'm glad she finally found her soul mate in Mike. My mom met him while working in the hospital one night, she usually worked nights in the summer and days during the school year so we could see eachother more. I would see her at night during the school year and I would see her all day during the year. That's not how it happened this year, but if her scheduled wasn't changed she would never of met Mike. You can tell by the way they catch eachother's eye randomly throughout the day and how much they both light up. I've always wanted a relationship like theirs, maybe one day I will finally get that... yeah, probably not hah. I'm about as flirtatious as a seal.   So after my mom finished cooking the waffles she sat down at the table and Mike folded up the newspaper and drank his coffee... after a while it got a little awkward with them just staring so I asked what they were staring at? I got up from the table to make sure I didn't have maple syrup or something on my face or in my hair and made my way back to the kitchen. "What was that about?" I asked. My parents both laughed, and my mom had a envelope in her hand. I didn't notice it right away, I caught myself staring at her huge engagement ring. I loved it more than anything, and once again I was thinking about how amazingly awesome it would be to have a ring like that and more importantly a man that's willing to literally do anything for you and your child.    I quickly snapped out of my daydream and my mom handed me the envelope.. what could it be? I gave them both a quick look and Mike was grinning like a fool, while my mother had a small smile and expectant eyes. I loved these too, even if they did creep me out sometimes.

I didn't know what to expect when I opened the envelope, concert tickets? Pictures? Well, it was a type of picture... I just so happened to pull out a sonogram picture. I immediately knew what it was and dropped the picture on the table, I looked back up at my parents and saw their expressions relax as a tear fell from my eye. "I'm gonna be a big sister??" I asked excitedly, I was old enough to know that the question was a no brainer and ofcourse it meant I was gonna be a sister but I was in shock. My mom got up and hugged me first and then Mike, I was so happy for them and I was excited to finally be able to have someone to teach things about life and spoil them rotten! This moment was absolutely perfect, and the thought of London totally disappeared for that little bit of time. Of course I still wanted to pursue my dream but it went to the back of my head as my parents told me all about this little baby that would be here in just over 7 months.

We sat there forever just talking for what felt like hours, my parents unfortunately told me that they both had to work tonight and that I could do whatever I wanted.. order pizza or go to Kassi's. My parents always let me do what I wanted when it came to stuff around here, but the whole London thing... not so much. When my mom said something about Kassi I remembered that I had to call her so I went into the living and sat on the couch to call my bestfriend. She quickly answered, "Hello this is the overly excited college student that is also very stressed because she has to pack up her whole room in not a lot of time and yeah.. I laughed and then told her that this high school graduate and hopeful doctor would be over later tonight to help. I loved talking to Kassi, she could make me laugh without trying and we've always been really close. For as long as I could remember she's held the title of "bestfriend."

It was almost time for my rents to leave so my mom came up and said goodbye to me. "Bye sweetie, hopefully we won't be too busy so just call if you need anything. Oh and honey, I'm so glad that your happy about our news, we need to go shopping and pick out names now that you know!" I could tell she was so excited, so I opened my arms for her to come and hug me. She ran over to my bed and gave me a huge hug. I whispered softly into her shoulder, "Thank you mom, you really are the best. And I'm so happy i'm going to be an older sister. I just want you to know how much you mean to me and I'm going to be here for it all." We both pulled away with tears in our eyes, "Sweetie, I couldn't think of a better big sister than you." I wiped away my tears, and Mike came in to tell her that he was ready to leave. She gave me one last hug and said, "So this is it, I'm really having another baby." She pulled back again but this time there was a glint of something in her eye, something I only see when she looks at someone she loves, like Mike and I.

Before they walked out the door I remembered I needed to tell them something and ran downstairs just in time to catch them by the door. "Hey mom and dad can I go to Kassi's to help her pack up her room?" My parents looked at eachother like they had a secret and turned to me, smiling,  "Why does she need to pack up her room?" my dad asked, he's hiding something. I shook it off and answered, "She got into one of the best Art University's in London so she needs help packing everything up so she can move there." My parents told me I could go and were about to get into the car but before they drove off my mom opened her window and said, "Maybe she can repay the favor one day". With a wink from Mike my parents drove off to the hospital.

I didn't think anything of it and called Kassi to tell her I would be there in 10, I loved living so close to her. If I ever needed anything I could just run to her house. It was great, this whole day was pretty great. I walked into my room to grab my keys and extra clothes for tonight and walked past the sonogram I hung by my door of my little soon to be sister or brother and smiled thinking of all the events that went on today. Yeah, you could definitely say it was a pretty good day.

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