"You're a fool."

"I'm your fool."

As always, we both manage to shift down the couch until we're spooning on it, I'm the little spoon, wrapped up in long arms and legs which curl around me as Zak gets tired.

Smiling to myself, I shift my head back and gently remove his glasses before settings them on the coffee table in front of us.

He sighs and kisses the spot behind my ear. With his arms tightened and warm spreading across my back, I fall to sleep.


I wake to the sound of barking and instantly jolt, elbowing Zak straight in the ribs. With a grunt he opens his eyes and looks at the exact same thing I am. Or the exact same person..


He looks at us both before dropping a bag onto the table. "Reviewing is done."

Three words and he goes to leave when I find myself talking.

"Please stay? Just for a little while. I'll make you coffee? Yeah?"

He stands there and looks at me for a few seconds. I take it as a yes and rush to the kitchen trying to wake myself up in the process.

I miss seeing Billy, we had been friends for years and one relationship was destroying that. But I couldn't be without Zak, without physically aching and having my heart torn into two. Zak said if Billy was any real friend then he would accept our relationship, I also happen to agree. But it was hard to become a stranger in Billy's eyes.

I'm carrying a coffee towards the lounge when I hear them talking.

"You could at least be happy for her!" Zak hissed in a low voice.

"I am.." Billy grunted.

"Yeah, it looks like it too. Come on Bill. It's me, you work with me, live on the road with me. You care about Katy too, I just don't understand why you're so upset about this! I'm better than her last boyfriend and I can support her. I am supporting her, 100% whilst she's going through therapy."

"She's started therapy?"

"Yeah man... And I know she misses you too. It breaks my heart to see the upset in her eyes and I know you've got a heart in that chest of yours... I never wanted to get between you both. But you can't help who you love."

"How is her therapy going?"


"I said how is her therapy going? I don't want to talk about your relationship. I've made my feelings clear."

"You're a pig headed fool. I actually thought better of you. You're a petulant child." Zak answered.

Seeing that this could escalate, I walked in with a smile spread across my face.

"Here we go." I grin and set the coffee down on the table in front of Billy.

"Actually, I've just remembered, I've got things to do. I'm real busy. Sorry Katy." Billy answers causing my heart to fall into my stomach.

"But.. But I made you a coffee." I point to it.

"Some other time hey?" He replied trading a look with Zak before leaving.

I ignore the tingling in my nose and the sting in my eyes as the door shuts behind him.

"I'm sorry babe." Zak speaks placing his hand on my shoulder.

"It's fine.. He said he had things to do. He's busy. Right?"

Zak gives me a look and I know it's the 'He didn't have anything to do' look. But still he nods.

I look down at the coffee and pick it up. "I suppose, I should get rid of this."

"I can do it." He answers.

"No, I'll do it. I'll get Gracie's leash too. She'll need a walk."

"Do you want to talk?" He asks softly.

"No, I don't need to talk. I need to get rid of this, and get Gracie's lead." I respond pulling a fake smile before heading into the kitchen.

I dispose of the coffee and watch it disappear down the plug hole.

A lot like my friendship with Billy...

SerendipityHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin