It didnt take me long to reach my destination, about fifteen minutes away from the waterfall I came upon a beautiful house in the middle of the woods, I had come to an abrupt stop when I saw the alpha and the wolfs all around him, all of them growling and looking furious.

The alpha had had his back to me, but I could even tell from a distance he was deadly furious, he was shaking all over and I could tell he was trying hard to control himself.

In front of them, in front of the house, had stood the leeches, all three of them, with Annie sobbing hysterically looking so scared even from a distance I could see the fear in her eyes as she was being held by her dad.

The tension had been so evident, it was honestly not a pretty scene to interfere.

"Just hand her over Ashton! You heard her! She doesnt want to be with you guys! This has been enough! I dont want to take her by force Ashton and you know I will!" the apha had yelled, I didnt know what had happened, all I knew was that Annie, my mate, was in trouble, in pain, and was scared, and that was obvioulsy enough to open my big mouth.

What happened after wasnt very pretty, the alpha told me everything once he realized I was there, he told me everything in a hastily rushed sentence, Annie's mom had totally gone wackoo and had tried to changer her into a vampire which of course got my stomach to feel sick!

Just the thought simple thought of it still haunted my head! I mean, I loved her, she was my whole precious world, but if she was ever turned into a vampire, I wondered sometimes if the bond we shared would've been broken?

There's a reason why werewolfs and vampires usually dont get together.

We argued, Annie was in hysterics once she realized I was there, the pain I felt that night cant compare to other pain. Just thinking of that night again, of her, shrieking my name begging me to take her, to help her, it was as if she had been another girl that night.

I hadnt ever seen her so scared, so desperate to get away from her parents! And I mean, she had a lot of reason to be scared, her freaking demon mom had tried to change her into a vampire, and the more we argued the more I loathed her parents!

Truly I did, I mean its worse enough because whatever hurts Annie my wolf will immediately hate, but that night, man her mom said some seriously stupid things that just got my hands twitching, I have never wanted to shift and attack someone so badly!

But I just couldnt shift and attack her mom, it would've provoked a whole war and we didnt need that then.

That night seemed to last an eternity! The alpha said some very serious things and words that I had never heard come from his mouth, I of course argued with her leech parents too, not caring anymore about being respectful.

They argued back, the demon mom was sobbing, clutching to Annie like a child on a doll, screaming she had done a mistake, that she wasnt going to let Annie come with us, that she was her daughter and she was staying with her forever.

Ashton and her brother Andy however seemed a bit more comprehensive, the more Annie screamed she didnt want to be with them the more they seemed to realize how serious this was, it got to a point were Andy was looking uncertain at the alpha and back at his parents.

Annie sobbed desperately even yelled things at her mother that made her look like she wanted to slap her but was restraining because there was so much people around, and the moment she gripped her so hard she had made her scream I was already stepping forwards with the wolfs behind me preparing to attack.

Long story short, it took a while, it took a couple of hurtful words, it even took a couple of threats, it got to a point where I was right in front of the demon mom, trying to unwrap Annie from her hands, of course Ashton was there beside her, he'd had been saying if I dared touched his wife I would never be able to see daylight, stupid things like that.

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