Chapter 13

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 A:N/ Thank you so much for reading :D and sorry for any mistakes!! Thank you guys so much for reading once again!


Chapter 13



 Anneliese P.O.V

I sat on the floor by my bed just hating life right now, hating my parents, hating this stupid house, hating my suffocating room, everything! I just hated everything right now!

I just couldnt believe how ridiculous my parents were! Why couldnt we even go outside to our backyard?! Would it always be this way? How many years would I have to wait until I could actually go outside? Until I could actually go explore the world?

Jesus, I felt like a prisoner in here! I really did!

Having vampire parents was just too complicated!

I heard my door slowly open and I glanced quickly to see dad coming inside.

I rolled my eyes inwardly, great, just what I needed right now! A scolding from my dear young father.

"Looks like a hurricane passed through here" I heard him say as he walked through the broken perfumes and all the things I had thrown to the ground.

"Yeah hurricane Anneliese was a really bad storm" I grumbled.

"Did you really have to trash your whole room Annie?" he said, a hint of amusement in his tone.

I rolled my eyes not answering.

I didnt look up but I saw him from the corner of my eye picking up a couple of things as he made his way towards me, he sat on my bed close to me and I made sure to scoot away from him, I was so mad, I really didnt want to hear anything he had to say.

"Alright Annie, lets make this quick alright? Tell me where were you last night?" he asked taking a deep breath as if preparing himself for a really big argument.

I didnt answer, why was he asking if mom and him had already probably talked? I had been in here at least for an hour so I assumed they had already figured out my punishment and everything.

"Annie Im waiting" he said.

I frowned "Mom probably tattled on me already, why are you even asking?" I grumbled.

"I want to hear it from you" he shrugged.

"Where do you think I was Ashton?" I grumbled again.

"I dont know, you tell me" he said.

I huffed and rolled my eyes, "I was in town" I lied.

"Annie," dad stopped me, "Please dont lie to me," he said slowly.

I tried not to gulp or squirm in my spot, I knew my actions sometimes gave me away and strangely dad always noticed everything, he was so observant, I knew if I gulped, if I clenched my hands, if I began to grow mad, he was always the one who noticed my reactions first.

"Im not lying, where do you think I actually was?" I asked quietly.

"Well thats what we want to know, you can lie to your mother Anneliese, but you cant lie to me, I know that you werent in town" he stated matter of factly.

How is he so positive about that?

I was quiet for a while, as if pretending to be deeply hurt he wasnt believing me, "Well Daddy then I dont know what else to tell you, because I really was in town last night," I whispered.

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