Chapter 19

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Not meaning to, Louis had fallen asleep the whole way there. He had intended to snuggle with Harry and keep him company but the rocking of the train on the tracks and how hot it was in their car got to him. Waking up with a snort, he grabbed his bag still half-asleep as he followed his Dom to the front desk. Resting his head against the back of Harry, Louis wrapped arms around him and closed eyes. Just as he was about to slip into a relaxed state, someone stepped up behind them with a squalling infant. Popping eyes open, Louis turned to glare at them then frowned seeing how red the little one's cheeks were. "Oh damn.. teething? Poor little one."

When Harry finished checking them in, Louis smiled at the couple, who were giving him weird looks as their baby kept screaming. "Stupid clueless parents. Can we go steal that baby? I couldn't tell if it was a little girl or boy, but it doesn't deserve to be raised by those morons." As they walked down the hallway, Louis took the time to look around. It was a nice hotel - nothing but the best for Harry's birthday, and he was excited to see what their room looked like.

Harry had kept himself entertained on the ride over here, mostly just scrolling through Facebook or tuning into other people's conversations on the train, words muffled from the thin walls that separate them, but somewhere on the long ride he found himself sitting on the seat opposite of Louis, long lanky legs drawn to his chest as he tries to admire the different places they pass, trying to take in the scenery that's moving far too fast. He catches little flitters of things, like a weeping willow tree sagging low to the ground with the three inches of snow weighing it down, or the small creek with a crystal sheet of ice layered over it, thin enough for the fish to be seen, but thick enough to keep the numerous animals from drinking the water. And then his eyes wandered to Louis, who he ended up watching the rest of the time. He studied his face, the way his pale lips twitched with each breath he took, and how his eyelids would flutter as images passed behind them. He, for the millionth time, memorized each line and curve on his face; letting everything Louis brand itself into his brain.

When they finally arrived, he relied solely on instinct and allowed his mind to take over. Like a finely tuned machine, he spoke when necessary (Purposely not paying attention to Louis' cuddliness) and took the key card offered to him, the plastic thick and cold. They gave their bags to the bellboy dressed in a white outfit with red and gold swirls tracing up his chest, the hotel name written in big bold letters across his back. Taking Louis' hand, he tugged the boy forward and shook his head when his words finally registered. "Getting arrested on our weekend away doesn't sound fun. Maybe we can smuggle him home with us when we leave?" he teased. Throwing a glance over his shoulder at the couple, he frowned at the red faced infant and shook off his displeasure. He wasn't at work, that wasn't his patient or his responsibility. He just needed to brush it off.

So he did. Taking the elevator to the top floor, Harry pulled them out of the cart when it dinged and wasn't really surprised when they stepped out into a overly decorated hallway, lined with expensive paintings that had a pure, snowy white paint as their background. The hallway was warm, welcoming, the activity from downstairs silenced seeing as there was only six rooms on their floor. Flipping the card over to get their room number, he lead them down the quiet hallway and pulled them to a stop in front of a white door with a gold handle. Sliding the card, he held his breath, not yet turning the handle even when the panel flashed green because he wasn't sure if he was ready for this or not. Booking the room and agreeing to this was one thing, but actually going into the room was another. "Ready?"

Fully intending to say yes, a loud yawn came out, eyes twisting shut. He needed coffee. "Mmhmm" A petite hand fisted at his eyes, wiping the sleep crumbs from them then going to his fringe to fluff it up. Probably no use as he didn't put any product in it and took a shower last night so it was extra fluffy today. Shifting from foot to foot, Louis attention went elsewhere as he played with the zipper on his coat, sliding it up and down. "I need to do something. I'm restless as hell right now." And their kid was kicking the crap out of Louis, obviously excited from the train ride.

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