Chapter 6

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The whole thing going down at the hospital, trying to get revenge on Harry and it blowing up in his face did serious damage to Louis' self esteem. Sleep wasn't a thing anymore, he maybe got four hours a week, if that, and food was frowned at, the thought of eating anything made him literally sick, though the vomiting had just started up two days ago. It was three weeks to the day the incident happened in the club and if Loius wasn't a nurse, he'd dismiss the symptoms as a bug, but he knew better. Scrambling for the bathroom, he pulled out a couple pregnancy tests he'd actually stolen from work because of another incident like this that happened awhile back.

"Please god no," Louis prayed to the white stick as he finished his business and set it on a piece of toilet paper on the sink then washed his hands. Perching on the edge of the tube and staring at the test, he nibble on the skin around his thumb as he waited the recommended minutes to check the test for confirmation. "Son of a fucking bitch!" He swooped in to pick the test up, cursing loudly when he saw the pink plus sign in the little window. "Fuck, I am so not having that bastard's baby. Fuck that!" Tossing the test away in the bin and washing his hands again, Louis stomped out of the bathroom, scrub coat flying behind him as he ran to grab his phone and keys to head off to work.

Never dreading work, Louis sat in the parking lot and stared at the building. It was intimidating. Suckng down a cigarette, he took a deep breath and went for the side door he always used. Pausing to get the last drag, he pinched the tube between his fingers and gave it a flick into the grass before entering the hospital. Nodding at the people he saw, Louis rubbed a hand over his face, smelling the stale cigarette smoke and unwashed body on him. He would be disgusted if he was totally with it, but by now, he was running on fumes. His last bit of energy had been used swearing that morning at the pregnancy test, now he gave a gaping yawn as he scratched at his head and went to the nurses' station for his duties.

Harry hasn't spoken or even seen Louis in the three weeks that's passed. He's heard all the comments made about the boy and has even had a few confrontations with Zayn, but Louis himself had been a ghost, and that was what Harry had wanted in the first place. He stayed busy too, taking on case after case, and even staying late at night to finish paperwork just so he didn't end up running into Louis and doing something he may regret, like asking him how many binkys he's gone through.

His stomach had grown thin from the lack of food he hasn't been consuming in the last few months, but he still didn't think he had a problem. He just wasn't hungry anymore. Wiping the crusties away from his eyes, Harry dried off his hands and walked out of the operating room, where he had just spent the past three hours trying to realign a kids leg bone and fish out all the bone fragments. He's been here all night, even though it wasn't necessarily against his own free will. He had stayed voluntarily.

Grabbing a teddy bear from the gift shop, Harry passed Louis on his way up to Aspen's room but didn't say anything to him, or even acknowledge his presence. The loose fitting salmon colored scrubs flowed around his thin waist, but nobody seemed to notice, or even pay attention to his well being. The black bags under his eyes were just from the late nights he's been having, not because he hasn't slept more than an hour because everytime he closes his eyes Louis is beneath him, moaning, or the continuous nightmares he's been having that Aspens lungs have finally gave in and she just slips away before Harry can say goodbye.

Knuckles rasping on the door, Harry walked in and smiled as brightly as he could at the wide awake girl, tiredness clinging to his eyes, and lifted up the brown bear with a white lab coat. "Look what I got you." He said to the little girl, only nodding in acknowledgment to Rose, who sat in the corner of the room. God, her wheezing his getting worse. What is her oxygen level? The infection had spread in her lungs already. One time of her doing something too over the top, like walking around the hospital to find Harry, and her lungs could just collapse.

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