Chapter 1

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A/N: Hello, hello, hello!!!! How are you?? I am proud to bring you yet another story! I have honest to god fallen in love with this story, and even I am intrigued of the plot and all we have chosen to do. This is co-written with the amazing Ashley, her name is the same as mine, yes, and her AO3 account should be somewhere in this story as the co-author. This is a multiple chapter story, but we have yet to decide how long it will be. Let me know if ya'll like it!

Much love,


Every nurse and doctor standing near the entrance of the hospital froze, heart pausing in their chests when they seen the familiar tall figure with long brown hair walk through the automatic sliding glass doors at the front of Saint Addington hospital. He moved with ease, with confidence, back straight and head held high. He was important, and he let everyone know; let them see it in the way he walked. "What are you all standing around for? You aren't paid to gape at everyone walking through the doors. Get to work," the man growled, accent thick and voice raspy.

He tugged at his long, white coat that covered his purple scrubs, and checked to make sure he had his pager and pen tucked safely in his pocket. "I seem to have forgotten my stethoscope," he said, patting his body. "Give me yours," he glanced up at the scared nurse with wide eyes and held open his hand, waiting for her to drop what he wanted in his hand. "Don't be an arsehole, Styles. Find your own stethoscope." A small man in light green scrubs said, his blue eyes betraying his calm exterior and showing how terrified he was. Harry Styles, chief of surgery, turned to look at him with a cocked brow. "And who is going to make me? You? Please, Tomlinson, go back to cleaning bedpans and vomit and leave me alone,"

Falsely believing today was going to be a good day, Louis walked the halls of the hospital with head held high as he greeted his fellow nurses and the doctors that he got along with, which wss about 99.9% of them with the exception of the ones who believed themselves to be of a higher power. Speaking of those doctors.. Louis groaned when the deep voice was heard. He tried to rush past to get out of the guy's immediate sight, but Harry had to harass the nurse that Louis was making a bee-line for as he needed to ask a favor of her for the weekend.

"Give it a fucking rest, Styles!" Louis screamed though he was sweating heavily as he did it and pretty much trying not to embarrass himself. He slapped Harry's hand away from the nurse as he gently took her by the elbow to head for the nurses' station. "Need to talk to you, Livvy."

Harry gaped after the man, but quickly regained his composure and went after him. Louis Tomlinson was an absolute idiot Harry hasn't been able to stand since the day, three years ago, he stumbled his short ass through the doors with wide doe eyes and a false sense of hope that this place was full of rainbows and butterflies. His blind optimism irritated the older doctor beyond believe. It was nurses like him who made patients feel as if death wasn't a possibility. "First off, you will not speak to me that way, ever," Harry said, grabbing Louis' elbow and steering him away from the shaking nurse. "You forget who pulls rank around here. One complaint from me and you're gone. This hospital can't afford to lose me."

Snapping hip out in a stance, he gave Olivia a sweet smile and held up the finger to her before turning to face the surgeon with a fake grin on his face. "Excuse you! No manhandling the nurses here. You do forget there are cameras situated everywhere?" He pointed up to where one was installed in the corner, red light blinking to let them know it was recording the moment. Rolling his eyes, Louis didn't know where he was getting this sudden bravery from. Reaching a hand into the pocket of his own light pink scrubs, he pulled out an extra stethoscope he kept on his person in case of an emergency, "Here. Now leave us the hell alone." Louis bored his blue eyes to Harry's as he went to join Olivia to actually have the conversation he pulled her to the side for and then get on with his duties.

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