Chapter 15

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I don't want to say anything and spoil it... But there is a explicit scene in this that involves two major characters.. You'll have to see who... Whoops.

The day of the engagement party rolled around and Louis was already dreading it. He had the day off from work. "I am not coming out until tomorrow, Harry. You can't make me." Louis had stressed the whole week about this day, picking out an outfit then changing his mind half a dozen times before deciding on a pair of white skinny jeans, light blue v neck sweater with a dark blue design through it and white Toms without socks. The house was too quiet, Louis pushed the blanket back, sitting still to listen for any little noise. "Uh, babe? Are you here?"

His feet sank into the plush carpet as he padded across the room to peek in the hallway. If Harry was in his office, Louis would hear the tapping of keys and a light bathing the floor in soft yellow. "Harold? Where the fuck is he?"

Harry sat outside, a glass of whiskey in one hand and a cigarette in the other. His hair was down and he was dressed in a purple suit paired with black designer boots. He took a long drag off the cigarette, a pile of butts forming beside his feet, buried in the snow. He was hoping the nicotine and alcohol would calm him down, but two glasses and half a pack later, he was still sweating balls.

It's been a little over a week since he proposed, and at the time he thought that would be the most stressful thing he'd ever have to do. How fucking wrong he was. And all he did was... Well, provide the money. Anne took care of the guest list and everything else. Flicking the cigarette off in a random direction, he finished off his drink and left the glass on the table to return inside, cringing when he heard Louis yelling for him. He was tempted to hide in the closet next to the stairs. "What?" He finally yelled out, grumbling as he moved to stand at the bottom of the stairs.

Naked was how Louis slept now, taking after Harry. It was refreshing, to say the least, he just worried what would happen if the house started on fire and they had to make a quick exit. Hearing Harry yell back, Louis walked out of their room completely bare and stood at the top of the stairs. "Just wondering where you were, how long have you been up?"

The only bad part about running around naked was the lack of pockets, as Louis dropped his phone for the hundredth time and bent down to grab it. "How long til the party? And do we really have to have one?" Louis descended the stairs to wrap arms around his fiance.

Obviously pleased to see everything hanging out and on display, Harry's hands instantly found Louis' fleshy ass and he grabbed handfuls of it to lift him up. "Three hours, couldn't sleep. We have two hours and yes, we have to go," twirling around to walk with Louis, Harry solely holding him up as thin legs wrapped around his waist, he walked them into the kitchen.

"Hungry?" He asked, pecking Louis' lips in an innocent way, sort of out of habit, as he set him on the counter. He was dressed up for the party, yes, but where was the fun in life if you didn't take risks? Maybe he gets pancake mix or grease on him, maybe he doesn't. Who the fuck knows though?

"Not for food.." A foot went out to rub against Harry's crotch as he leaned forward to meet the man's kiss. It was nice that Harry was starting to do little things like that without Louis having to prod him. "Oh, but what if I said I suddenly don't feel good? Then can we cancel?"

Louis brought hands up to Harry's arms to travel upwards to the curls and pull at them gently, they were as soft as always. "Did we make enough food for this? Maybe we need one more thing? Fuck.. I want a cigarette and a drink."

Harry rolled his eyes and lifted his hands in surrender, head shaking. He couldn't blame Louis for trying, and while he would love to cancel, they couldn't. "We can't cancel, my mum will be here soon." he said, walking over to the coffee machine to brew both of them a cup of coffee.

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