Chapter 10

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New place, new patients, a few new employees, but same top dog. Grinning, Harry walked through the sliding glass doors and inhaled the clean, sterile scent of the hospital. Normally, it would give him a headache and make him sick to his stomach, but today it was like breathing in your grandma's perfume years after she died. It was missed, familiar, throwing you back to the days when things were simple.

Heads turned when they saw the man walking beside Harry, keeping up with the mans long strides. With a glance down at him, Harry sighed in annoyance and was tempted to push him away. It's been a month. One long month since Louis' moved in. The boy was messy, snored, and didn't know how to pick up his dirty clothes or even wash them. He was an absolute slob, and Harry hated that. It's also been one long, extremely painful month since the older man has had sex. It wasn't like it was his choice, either. Louis was a prude.

They had only three weeks left until he was supposed to do a public proposal. He didn't know why it had to be public, but apparently for someone in Harry's social standing, it was necessary.

Bypassing the front desk, Harry went straight to the elevators and, although he didn't want to, held them open until Louis stepped in. "Your bump is showing," he said down to the boy when the steel doors closed. Louis was roughly three months pregnant right now, and his normally small pouch was growing. It wasn't noticeable to most, but it was to Harry, who has spent the past month watching it grow day by day.

As much as he wanted to make sure people knew Harry was his to keep certain people away, he had wanted to get there early, but for some reason Harry wouldn't let him leave without him. Was there a rule claiming subs couldn't be seen in public without their Dom? Shaking it off, he tried to lag behind Harry as they walked in, the looks his Dom gave him had him rushing to keep up.

It was a thing for people to call him messy, but he considered it his way of remembering where everything was and which piles were dirty and clean. Coughing into a hand, Louis took a swig from his bottle of water then wiped at his mouth. The lack of sex may have been Louis' fault but Harry sometimes looked too scary to approach. Maybe he could see if his future husband wanted a romp in the on call room lately.

A yawn escaped when he got on the elevator, thanking Harry softly. He eyed the emergency stop as he yanked his lavender scrub top down and counted in his head. When he got to thirty, he slapped the button then turned to Harry. With a big grin on his face, the smaller man launched himself at the surgeon and attacked his lips. He needed this now or he'd explode.

One minute he was minding his own business, watching himself blink in the reflective door, then the next he was being shoved against the wall, metal bar digging into his back, and lips were attacking his. Leather brown bag dropping to the floor with a loud thud, Harry grabbed Louis by the waist and flipped them around so he was now the one dominating the kiss, hovering over Louis with his tongue fighting the boys.

Lack of sex came crashing down on him and he was suddenly too horny to care about where they were or who he was even fucking. "You couldn't have done this last night?" Harry growled against the boys lips, teeth nipping at the corner of his jaw as he moved to trail kisses along the smooth skin there. Even with his budding irritation, Harry's hand was shoving down the thin material of the boy scrubs and he was grabbing his semi hard cock, thumb fingernail lightly scratching down the underside of his cock.

Hissing through the touch, he gasped into Harry's mouth as his own hands went to untie his Dom's scrubs, hand sliding in to pull Harry out. "You were all growly last night because of a phone call or something. I didn't want to try anything with you looking like you'd snap me in half!"

Grinding against him, he reached up to grab a handful of Harry's long locks and pulled at them, "Please daddy, fuck me before I go crazy and run to the bathroom and get myself off.. wait, is that punishment worthy? I don't wanna get in trouble for something basic." Shit. They hadn't even gone over punishments.

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