Chapter 11

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Foregoing any sleep that night, Louis crashed at his sister's on the couch. His nieces and nephew were delighted and insisted on sleeping in the living room with him. Even the baby shared the couch with him. His neck hurt and he didn't sleep a wink, too busy making sure his kids were safe as they slept as Lana didn't live in the safest neighborhood. A few gunshots were heard, making him wince as several sirens were heard. He wasn't about to check his pager if it went off.

The next morning he got a shower then headed out, tiptoeing out the door so not to wake anybody. He has managed to get his car from Harry's the night before and pointed the remote at it to make the vehicle start up.

It was a new day and Louis wanted to make it right. The gift for Harry was tucked safely in his pocket. Arriving at the hospital, he hurried to the elevator and up to the floor Harry's office was on. It didn't take lots of persuasion to get a key to his Dom's office. He slipped inside and quietly shut the door before going to work. Laying the cross necklace on the desk along with a stuffed frog and a note, Louis ran out of the office and back down.

Powering through yet another night shift after being on-call all night, Harry was heading back to his office to finish up some paperwork before he headed home. Olivia's surgery had went well yesterday, so he was supposed to help fill out medical papers for the adoptive parents who just came by today to meet their daughter for the first time.

Scrubbing at his bloodshot eyes once he was safely hidden behind the walls of his office, one he was still unused to, Harry bypassed the stack of papers on his desk and just went straight for his bag, which was neatly propped up against the leg of his desk. Hiding his mouth behind his hand when he yawned, his tired eyes almost missed the sparkle of silver on his desk.

Curiously, Harry approached the object, bag lifted in fear it would jump out at him, and picked up the simple silver chain with a beautiful cross hanging from it. He had almost thought it was Scarlette leaving him something again, but then he seen the frog and the folded note tucked beneath it's butt. Louis. Setting the necklace back down on the desk, he carefully moved the frog and grabbed the note, long fingers easily unfolding it.

Sleep deprived, Harry sat down in his chair and let himself focus on the crinkle of the paper, and how it felt between his fingers, and inhaled the odd, but intoxicating scent all paper has.

Sweet creature
Had another talk about where it's going wrong
But we're still young
We don't know where we're going
But we know where we belong

No, we started
Two hearts in one home
It's hard when we argue
We're both stubborn
I know.

I know I messed up, H. Give me another chance? I promise I will work harder. I've been messing up a lot, but just hear me out? Please?

Eyebrow quirking at the cheesiness of it all, Harry refolded the note and tucked it safely in his pocket, then moved the frog so it was propped against the picture of him, his mom and sister. He had to admit he was still upset with Louis, and this fixed nothing, but at least he knew he was willing to try now.

Necklace now wrapped around his wrist, cross held tightly in his fist, Harry gathered up his stuff and locked his office before he made his way down to the gift shop and grabbed his choice of stuffed animal, which was a small brown bunny. There, leaning against the counter with a black pen, Harry wrote his own note on the inside of a plain white card, then tucked it in an envelope and licked it to seal it.

The nasty glue stuff hung on his tongue as he scrawled Louis' name in perfect cursive on the outside of the envelope. Throwing a pack of mint gum on the counter, and a chocolate bar, Harry paid for his things then made his way up to the nurses station after he made sure Louis wasn't there. "Make sure Louis gets these, please." Slipping Jenna, the head nurse, a twenty bill across the desk, the older woman winked at him and promised she'd see that Louis gets the bunny, card and chocolate bar.

It always comes back to youOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant