Jason nodded. "Yeah. Still...really good to have you back."

Max smiled back at him wryly. "Good to be back. Glad I regained my confidence or I might still be caught in my...funk." He looked over Jason's shoulder, quizzically raising an eyebrow. "Uh, Hiroshi, you can turn around now."

Jason turned around and saw the kid was still facing the wall. Hiroshi's cheeks flushed red and he turned around, rubbing his black hair nervously. "Oops..." He muttered, looking over Max. "Ah...nice clothes, dude. I like the green...uh...jacket."

"Mmm, feels pretty good," Max replied, patting himself down. He put an arm behind his head and cracked it, grunting. "Anyway...nothing really changed while you guys were gone."

Jason sighed, nodding, his eyes going to Audrey's unmoving form across the room. "No change at all then?" He said hopefully, pointing at her. "...None?" Despite himself, his voice cracked at the last word.

Laureen shook her head, frowning. "Audrey's condition ain't changed at all," She muttered. "But listen, you guys were only gone for forty five minutes at best. I don't think you could expect much shit to happen in that time. I'm confident Audrey'll wake up soon bro. Fucking confident as shit."

Jason nodded. He clenched his fists and exhaled. "Yeah. You're right. I'm being...too eager. She'll wake up. She's strong. She's been through worse."

"Fuck yeah," Laureen growled with a nod. "Just gotta be patient is all, man. It sucks. It sucks so fucking hard. But she's alive. And she's stable. That's good luck right there. She's gonna wake up. I bet you my left nut on that."

Max raised an eyebrow. Hiroshi cocked his head said, "But...you don't have any..."

Laureen laughed and waved them both off. "It's a figure of speech, you fucking idiots. Point is, I'm behind Audrey one hundred percent and she's gonna be fine. You'll see."

Jason opened his mouth to ask about something else. What, he wasn't quite sure but he felt the need to talk, to just speak. But then a voice blared over the speakers, making him jump. Laureen lurched upward, looking at the ceiling. "What the shit?" She cried, floundering slightly on the floor.

A voice boomed over the speakers, rattling down the corridors. "Attention, attention," The voice said. "All important personnel to the briefing room ASAP. That includes the metahumans on sight. This is not a drill. Repeat: this is not a drill."

Laureen covered her ears, gritting in displeasure. "Fuck!" She cried. "Alright guys, you heard the voice over the sytems. All of ya'll get your asses in gear! To the briefing room, right now!"

Jason nodded and looked to Max. Max ran his hairs through his hair and said to Jason, quietly, "Can you..." He swallowed, biting his lip. He then silently held out his hand. "...Help me?"

"Sure buddy," Jason took Max's hand and squeezed it. Max smiled gratefully. "Just hold on tight and I'll help you out. Now let's get moving."

"Wait, wait, wait!" Laureen cried. Jason looked down and saw she was struggling with her leg brace. "Fuck, stupid shitty thing, ruining my fucking goddamn fuck fuckity shit!"

And then, just like that, the absurdity of it all seemed to hit the four of them. Jason, Max, and Hiroshi started cracking up. Jason rocked with laughter, grabbing himself as he tried in vain to control himself, tears running down his face. Max's laughter was more subdued but his hand trembled in Jason's own as he cackled. Hiroshi just laughed and laughed, sounding like a little kid. Laureen glared at them for a moment before her lips slowly twisted upwards and she gave in. She started giggling too, letting her leg brace fall.

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