Advice for Idiots

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"Man, this is the lamest date ever!" Misa Amane whined, crossing her arms and pouting on the edge of the couch.

"Just pretend we're not even here." L simply suggested, chewing on a chocolate bar.

"And do us a favor and shut up. Please. Men can't stand women with motor mouths." I scoffed, rolling my eyes as I got more irritated just by listening to Misa.

"Oh, how would you know that, ______?" Misa angrily stood up and clenched her fists.

"Now now, no need to get feisty. I know because I could tell just by looking at Light's face." I smirked, licking a small strawberry lollipop.

"You stalker! Cut it out and stop watching Light!" Misa yelled. Light gestured for her to sit down and relax.

"Well, _____ doesn't use cameras to watch every single one of your moves." L pointed to the screen on his laptop. The screen showed all four of us being recorded at this moment.

Misa groaned, and the furrow in her brow sharpened. Light sat and watched as if he wasn't even here with us. His expression was blanker than a white sheet of paper. Misa pushed L aside from Light and plopped onto the sofa next to him. She immediately clung onto his arm and nuzzled her face against his shoulder.

L and I sighed as we moved to to other couch, leaving Misa smirking in satisfaction.

"At least moving helped the chihuahua with rabies calm down." I chortled, bracing myself for impact.

Misa lifted a finger and opened her mouth to say something, but Light held her back shaking his head no.

"You know Misa, if you play 'hard to get,' it will increase your chances of having a lasting relationship." L suggested monotonously.

"Who told you that, Ryuzaki? You think you're such a genius about relationships." Misa rolled her eyes, denying the fact that L could be right.

"No one gave me that advice. You could say that I learned from experience." L turned and eyed me. "By the way, there are two things that you should know about me. One, I'm never wrong. Two, if I am ever wrong, go back to one."

I flashed Misa a smirk and whispered into L's ear. "Let's move to a different area away from these two."

L didn't hesitate and immediately grabbed a few sweets, entwining his fingers with mine as he dragged me into a different room. As I was being pulled away, I stuck my tongue out at Misa and she gave me a dirty look.

"Idiots like her shouldn't be fooling around with geniuses like you." I wrapped my arm around L's hip as we entered the room.

"True. I am a genius." L gave me a small smile.

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