Chapter 26

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Allison's POV

A week. It's been a week since Niall said he liked me. He hasn't said anything about it, hasn't even really acknowledged me. Seriously. He goes and says that then ignores me. Fine.

I walk into the living room and see Zayn on the couch. I go over sit next to him, turn and put my legs over the arm, and lay my head in his lap. I then pull out my phone and get on Instagram.

"Hello Alli, do you need something?" Zayn asks sarcastically.

"No thanks." I smirk.

He rolls his eyes. I laugh and keep scrolling. My iPod dings.

Zayn Malik tagged you in a photo on Instagram.

I open it up to see me smirking at him  with my head in his lap. I laugh at the caption. It says: Great. Now I'm a pillow too.

He smiles at me, as Louis walks in.

"Awww. Zallison moment." He squeals.

I gag. "Eww Zallison? Honestly Lou are you nuts?" I ask.

"I'm offended." Zayn feigns hurt. I stick out my tongue.

"Anyway Lou don't ever say that again kay?" I demand.

"Okay!" He plops on the chair.

Liam comes in silently, tapping on his phone.

Then Hazza comes in wearing headphones.

"Hey where's Niall?" I ask.

Louis smirks at me. I roll my eyes.

"Um I don't know." Zayn answers.

"Have you guys noticed he's been missing  a lot the past week?" I ask.

"Yeah. He has. But I have no idea why." Liam says suddenly, apparently he was eavesdropping.

Just then the door opens.

"Niall, where have you been? Seriously you have barely been around this week. We have been worri-" Zayn stops ranting when he turns around. "Oh."

I get curious when the other guys are quite too. I sit up and glance over the back of the couch. I stop and stare.

There stood Niall with his arm around Victoria Justice and her clinging to him like a leech.

Niall clears his throat. We all look at him.

"Guys I want you to meet my girlfriend."

Blondie said what???

A/N Heyyyy guys!!

Mwahahahaha cliffhanger!! So what do ya think? Where you expecting this?

So yeah I've had this planned th entire time.

Thanks for reading!!

Let me know whatcha think!! Comment and votet please!

LOVE YA!!! ^..^

- abseyjan <3

The Concert Encounter//N.H//Book 1 of the Encounter seriesWhere stories live. Discover now