The Concert Encounter (A Niall Horan Story)

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A/N Hope you guys like this story! I've never written one before so I'm sorry if it's terrible :)

- abseyjan <3


We had waited almost a year for this. And the day was finally here....... The One Direction concert.

We had won tickets last year for the concert. It had been 10 1/2 months since we entered. The seats are right next to the stage. I was bouncing off the walls in excitement.

My name's Allison and this is the story of my concert encounter.

Chapter 1

Allison's POV

"Allison! Calm down!" My best friend Rayleigh told me.

"Yeah Al. Ray is right. You need to take a chill pill." My other BFF, Brianne, said to me.

We had just finished making t-shirts for the concert and I couldn't contain my excitement any longer. The concert was tomorrow and we were staying up late to watch movies.

"But guyyyyys" I said dramatically. "I just had a bunch of sugar and the concert is tomorrow and you're telling me to CALM DOWN?!?" I yelled the last part for effect.

They giggled at my dramatic display and rolled their eyes at me.

"Al. We understand your excitement but seriously chill out. It's a concert. You weren't even this excited last year!" Brianne pointed out.

"Yes but that was laaaast year! New year new chances and this year we are right by the stage!" I exclaimed excitedly.

"Wow. I think she's lost it Ray." Brianne said shaking her head and grinning.

"Yup she's totally bonkers." Ray said laughing at my pouty face.

"That's not funny guys." I said putting in one of my favorite movies, War Horse.

"Aww. I wanted to watch a romantic movie!" Groaned Bri.

"Too bad!" I yelled jumping on the couch between them.

Chapter 2

Niall's POV

I laughed as Louis and Harry jumped off the bus and ran, screaming across the parking lot. Paul and some other body guards took off after them. Picking them up and carrying them towards the stadium.

I looked at Zayn and he nodded which sent us screaming and running across the parking lot too. Paul threw Louis, whom he was carrying at the time, to another body guard and came running after me and Zayn. He grabbed me and threw me over his shoulder as one of the others grabbed Zayn.

Liam was the only one who got off the bus calmly. Shaking his head and laughing at us he walked towards the stadium.

"Leeee-yuummm!" Louis yelled. "Save me!"

"Nope you're on your own." Liam said chuckling at Lou's pouty face.

We were all very excited that management decided to add a Hershey concert to the tour. Last year's was quite fun.

"Paul you can put me down now" I told him.

"Are you sure you won't run away again?" He asked.

"Yesssss Paul." I answered.

He sat me down and gave me a hard look. I shook my head and laughed. I ran out on to the stage with the other boys and took in the view that I haven't seen in over a year.

The Concert Encounter//N.H//Book 1 of the Encounter seriesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora