Chapter 23

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Allison's POV

After Liam and Rayleigh announced their relationship we went out exploring. Harry and Bri are acting very mushy, and so are Ray and Liam.

Right now we are trying to decide what to do.

"We should go shopping." Bri says.

"I agree." Ray says.

"Why would we shop when we are in Los Angeles?" I question them.

"Because it has amazing shops!" Liam exclaims.

"So? We could be out exploring!" I argue.

"Okay who wants to shop?" Zayn asks.

Liam, Brianne, Rayleigh, and Harry raised their hands.

"Okay. Who wants to go exploring?" Zayn asks.

Me, Niall, Louis, and Zayn raised our hands.

"Okay. Then you guys go shopping, and we will explore." He decides. "Just keep your phone's on and we will meet up later."

"Wow Zayn, who knew you were so coordinated?" I teased.

He laughs and shakes his head. "C'mon guys." He says.

We follow him to one of the cars and get in. I watch out the window as we drive around. The places I've been are so much different than home.

We go to the Hollywood sign and get out.

"Ni! Will you take my picture?" I ask, excitedly.

"Of course, Alli." He smiles and takes my iPod.

"Okay. Zaynie c'mere. I wanna picture with you real quick." I say.

He comes over and Niall takes our picture.

"Okay, your turn Lou!" I say as I motion him over.

He comes over and throws his arm over my shoulder and Niall snaps the pic.

"Ni! It's your turn!" I exclaim.

He walks over and wraps his arms around me. We smile and Zayn takes the picture.

"Awww. That picture is so cute." Zayn coos. Louis nods his agreement.

"You guys are so weird." I tell them. They both just shrugs it off.

We get in the car and head for the stars on the sidewalk with famous people's names on them. I don't know what it's called.

We get pictures next to a bunch of them. Then we head back to the hotel.

Bri and Ray have to get ready to leave. I'm gonna be so lost without them. We have agreed to Skype and text all the time.

We get to the hotel and the others are already there. Bri, Ray, and me head back to the room we share.

"I don't want you guys to leave." I complain.

"I don't want to leave you." Rayleigh says, as Bri nods.

I sigh. "Make sure to text me whenever you get the chance and don't forget to Skype!"

"We know Allison. We already went over this." Ray says smiling slightly.

"Al you'll be fine. You get along good with the guys, and you need to just be yourself." Brianne tells me.

"Thanks Bri. I needed to hear that." I smile.

We all just hang out after we finish packing. We are talking and laughing when someone knocks on the door.

"It's Liam." The person says.

The Concert Encounter//N.H//Book 1 of the Encounter seriesWhere stories live. Discover now