Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

Liam's POV

"Why do you care?" I choked out.

She just stood there and studied me. She is beautiful. I mean Sophia was pretty but Rayleigh is breathtaking.

"Because," She started. "Seeing you hurt, hurts me."


"It hurts me. To see you hurt. I can't stand to see you so upset. And it's all because of that brat Sophia." She says.

"Why does it it hurt you?" I ask.

"Because I care about you."

"You do?"

"Yes. Sophia cheated so she obviously doesn't. But I do, I care a lot more than you think."

"Do you.. Do you like me?" I ask hesitantly.

She's quite for a couple minutes.

Rayleigh's POV

Do I like him? Well yes I do, but do I tell him? I don't want to be a rebound girl. He just got out of a relationship with Sophia, is it too soon to tell him?

"I-I'm not sure." I say quietly.

"Not sure?"He asks.

"I need to sleep on it."

"Okay. But I like you. You may think you're a rebound girl but your not. I genuinely care for you. Just think on that too." He tells me.

I nod and head for the door. When I get there I open it but before I close he calls me.


At his voice I turn around. He is stand right in front of me.

"Yes?" I ask.

He doesn't say anything just leans over and kisses my forehead. When his lips touch me tingles shoot through me. But in a second they're gone. He looks at me and closes the door.

I walk to my room. Thoughts swirling around my head. Mostly about him.

Does he really like me? Am I just a rebound girl? What will the other guys think? What will the girls think? What will management and the fans think?

All these thoughts swirled around my head. About two hours later I finally dozed off.

·~·~·~·~·~·~·~· Next Morning ~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·

(Still Rayleigh's POV)

I woke up to screaming. I jump out of bed and run into the kitchen where the screaming is coming from.

I stop, frozen in shock, and take in the scene in front of me.

Everyone is covered, head to toe, in flour. Bri is on the counter and Harry is in front of her and they are making out(Ew gross), Zayn is freaking out because he has egg and flour in his hair and all over him, Niall is eating(of course), Liam is standing with his hands on his hips frowning, and the screaming is coming from Allison. Louis and her are throwing flour, eggs, milk, and whatever else in reach of them at each other. Allison is screaming at Louis because he dropped an egg down her shirt then smashed it.

Oh what a fun thing to wake up to. Not.

"What happened?" I ask.

Everyone looks at me. The only clean one. I see Allison and Louis smirk at each other. Oh no, why are they doing that?

All of a sudden a little bit of everything is thrown at me. I stand there shocked. Then after it registers, I catch an egg being thrown ate and chuck it randomly, hitting Zayn square in the face.

This is now war.

We had an intense battle going when,


Uh oh. Paul.

We all freeze and look at him. He glares.

"Just clean it up now." He growls.

We all nod.

~·~·~·~·~·~·~ Three hours later ·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~

(Still Rayleigh's POV)

That took forever. I was the last to get a shower. As I walk out of the bathroom someone grabs my wrist. I turn around to see Liam.

"Have you thought about it?" He asks.

"Yes." I answer.


"I like you. A lot. But I don't wanna be a rebound girl." I tell him.

"You aren't. I've like you for awhile I was just with Sophia and I didn't know what to do. Me and her hadn't been talking and yeah..." He trailed off.

"Okay. So what now?" I ask him.

"Will you, Rayleigh Desmond, give me the honor of calling you my girlfriend?" He asks.

"Only if you give me the honor of calling you my boyfriend." I respond.

He smile and then kisses me.

His lips are soft and gentle. He tastes like Arizona iced tea. The kiss was sweet and showed both of our true feelings.

"Ahem." A throat is cleared.

We jump apart blushing and smiling. There stands Allison, smirking.

"Uh hey um Al." Liam says awkwardly.

"Hey guys. So explain please." She says.

"Oh um we are dating now....." I trail off.

"Cool. You guys are so cute together." She says smiling.

"Uh thanks." Liam says..

"Yup now ya better go tell the others." She says, turning around and skipping to the living room.

Me and Liam laugh and follow her. This is going to be a fun last day.

A/N Heyyyyyyguyyyysss! So Ray and Liam are together!! Yay! What do you think? Let meh know please! :)

Sorry it's been awhile since I last updated. I don't wannabe excuses but we just moved and we had to clean the old house and have yard sales etc. But thanks for having patience and waiting.

Um give me feedback please! There hasn't really been any of that. I kinda wanna know what you guys think. It would really helped get ideas for what you guys want.

Thanks for reading!! I lovvveee you!

LOVE YA!!! ^..^

-abseyjan <3

The Concert Encounter//N.H//Book 1 of the Encounter seriesWhere stories live. Discover now