Chapter 7

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It began to get dark outside as the two boys searched around for Hunks cake. Successful, the two cut pieces out and shared them among each other.

"So, Keith," Lance started, his eyes looking to Keith as he took a bite of his, "How are you feeling?" He asked.

Keith was looking out the window, moving around uncomfortably in his chair, It's getting dark. If I stay with Lance.. he paused as he remembered, oh. Lance already knows about my Galra form.. maybe.. I can ask him to stay with me-

"Hey, mullet, helloooo?" Lance asked, waving a hand in front of Keith's face, "You doing okay buddy?" His eyes flashed with both concern and amusement for the Raven-haired boy.

Keith laid back against his chair and crossed his arms. He hadn't touched his cake, but he lost his appetite as he opened his mouth to speak.

"Lance.. I wanted to ask you something" he said, nerves making him stand, but he leaned forwards on the table a bit, "I.. wanted.. uh.. to ask.."

Lance tilted his head, a bit startled by Keith, "Buddy, your face is getting red. Are you choking on cake or something..?" He looked at his cake, his cake hasn't been touched..

Keith looked at the table, why is this so damn difficult?! I'm just asking him to stay in my room for the night, it's not like we are sharing a bed. I have an extra air mattress.  "I wanted.. to ask.."

Lance stood up and walked over to him, grabbing him by the arm, "Keith, are you choking or something? What's up? What did you want to say?" He had pure concern in his eyes now.

Keith looked at Lance in the eyes, and after a moment, he felt a small grin appear on his face. He took a breath, "Can you stay in my room with me tonight?" His violet eyes looked away, "Not in a weird way. I just want you to be there if I.. you know.. Galra.."

Lance looked at Keith for a few moments before laughing, "That's what you wanted to ask? I thought you were dying. Gosh, why did you hesitate..?"

Keith growled, "Come on. Will you stay or not?" He repeated, turning away. Lance looked at him, and gave a small grin, turning him back around, "Sure. I can" he laughed, "Don't kick me off the bed though"

Keith's face reddened a bit, he automatically assumes we are sharing a bed..? He looked down, "Depends on how annoying you get" he mumbled, which earned a "defensive Lance".

"I won't get annoying! Sense when have I ever been annoying?!" He paused as Keith gave him a look, "Don't answer that"

Keith gave a chuckle, his violet eyes gave a sparkle that danced, from the stars outside. Lance looked at Keith, and gave a soft smile. He couldn't understand why, but he thought for a moment that Keith didn't hate him, and a relationship might actually work.. but he looked away, to his cake, no, McClain. Stop living in a fantasy.

As Lance thought, Keith shifted a bit, "L-Lance. I'm changing to Galra" Keith gasped. Lance helped Keith out of his chair, "Alright, let's go to your room. Up you go.."

Lance began to half carry Keith up to his room. When they got there, Keith had turned a pure purple, and his eyes had shaded to a yellow, with thin pupils.

Lance helped him sit on the bed, "Aww dude you look like a kitty" Lance cooed, which earned a growl from Keith. Lance looked at him, "Buddy? Hey don't get so upset at that. I was just joking"

Keith looked away, another growl escaped his lips. He crossed his arms and sat back against the wall that the bed was against. Lance examined Keith, "Is.. there anything I can do to help..? You wanted me in here.."

Keith's eyes hesitantly shifted to Lance, and he gave a soft sigh, "I dont-" he gave a grunt of pain, "I don't know"

Lance's eyes widened in realization, that's right.. he wouldn't know.. he's had to deal with this by himself.. for so long.. Lance looked down, sitting on the bed beside Keith, "You know... you shouldn't have hid this from me, Keith.. I would have been there to help you.."

Keith gave a snarl, "You? There to help me?! We fight almost all the time, what makes you think, id know you'd help me..?!"

"Calm down, buddy.." Lance put a hand on Keith's shoulder, his eyes sympathetic. Keith's eyes widened a bit in surprise.

"I know you think I fight with you all the time because I hate you and don't want to be around you.." Lance lowered his hand to take his other hand, messing around with the fabric of his own shirt, "But.. truth is.. I'm jealous of you"

Keith stared at Lance, dumbfounded, "Jealous..? Why would you... be jealous..?" Keith looked down at his hands, which had long piercing claws, "..I'm a monster... I'm.. Galra.."

"You are one of the coolest guys ever" Lance leaned back against the wall, realized what he said, and cleared his throat, "Your just really skilled and sometimes I wish that people would notice that, of me"

Keith kept his eyes on his hands, "I notice that of you" he found himself saying.

Lance's eyes flashed surprise, and looked over at Keith, "Y..You do...?" He felt a happiness burst inside of him. Maybe.... maybe being a couple could work...!

Keith gave a small smile. He could basically feel Lance's happiness, but he didn't understand why Lance was that way. He sighed, "Yeah. If anything, I'm.. kind of jealous of you"

Lance put a hand to his head, oh my god this could work....!!... maybe.. maybe he shares my feelings... just maybe...

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