Chapter 2

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Keith found himself scrambling to grab the bed as he jolted up, knocking over the things on his nightstand, like his clock and phone. He hated the feeling of falling asleep, feeling like your falling, then jolting awake quickly. It always scared him.

Falling onto the floor, he laid there for a moment before turning his head to look at the clock, which had fallen sideways. 1:35. I've been asleep for 5 or so hours.. Keith sighed, and got on his knees.

He let out a grunt at the pain in his stomach, shit. I must've turned galra while I was sleeping, then turned back quickly when I jolted awake.. Keith lifted his shirt and looked at himself. The mark was bigger, and it trailed onto his stomach now.

Keith, grabbed his clock and fixed it back on his dresser, then picked up his phone, sliding his hand under his bed and grabbing his medicine supplies.

Looking at it closely, he noticed he had texts;

Lance: Keith? Buddy?

Lance: Pal?

Lance: hello....???

Keith sighed, ignoring the texts and laid his phone down beside him and opened his medicine kit, I can't believe the mark is spreading now.. he thought, dabbing the medicine on the mark and cleaning it best he can. It'll be fine. Just act like it's not here. He thought, putting the medicine back in the bag, and sliding it quickly under his bed as he heard footsteps.

Jumping on his bed, he grunted at the pain in his stomach, and paused as lance walked into the room.

"Keith?" He asked, tilting his head at the Raven-haired boy.

Keith looked at Lance and turned away from him, facing the wall his bed was pressed against. I don't want to look at him. He looks stupid. And... he is stupid..

He heard Lance give a sigh;

"Look, I'm sorry" Lance said, trying to keep the conversation small and quick. Keith turned to Lance to object, but the mark gave him some trouble. Lance could tell something was bothering him.

"Are you okay..? Do you want me to get Shiro?-"
"No" Keith hissed, sitting up quickly, "Just leave me alone"

"Why are you trying to isolate yourself?" Lance snapped, stepping forwards, "That's such a stupid thing to do"

"Why would you bring up me dropping out?!" Keith yelled, pausing as lance seemed to calm down immediately and reach out his hand to put it on Keith's shoulder, "Look. I'm sorry"

Keith looked at the ground, ignoring him, "I don't care that your sorry. You know very well Im not smart enough to even be in school. Plus, you know very well that my parents are dead because of it!-"

"Keith" Lance sighed, and gave a small smile, "Come downstairs.I made you some eggs and bacon.." he said.

Keith looked at Lance in confusion,  "you made me food? Why?" He asked.

Lance sighed, "Because.. I felt bad for arguing with you this morning. Okay? It's not a big deal" he said with an uneasy tone. 

Keith's gave a small smile as he looked out his window, "Well. Thanks, then"

"Wait. Woah, you thanked me?" Lance said in fake surprise. He dramatically fainted against the wall, "No way..!"
"Shut up, moron" Keith said, annoyed, but he was secretly humored.

Lance, knowing he had humored Keith, held out his hand, "Friends?"

Keith looked at Lance's hand, and took it, shaking it, "Friends"

That's when Keith felt something. Odd. He felt a weird feeling in his stomach. Lance felt it too. Lance, nervous and panicked, turned to leave, "Alright well, bye then!" He said, his face flushed, and he dashed out of Keith's room.

Keith blinked, uhhhh....... what..? He sighed and turned away, that was weird. Keith paused and smiled, why do I feel so weird..? So.... happy..? Whatever. It's probably the galra mark. I'd better clean it off..

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