Chapter 3

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Keith made his way upstairs at around 7:30Pm, the dimming light spiraling down the hallway as he walked down it. A yawn escaped his lips as his purple eyes laid on Lance's door. It was quiet and pitch black, which made Keith wonder, why are his lights off..? They are always on..

Keith reached out his hand and knocked on the door, "Lance! Are you in there?" He called. There was a soft "yes" from inside, so Keith opened the door, "Lance what are you doing?"

Lance was laying on his bed, a face mask on his face and cucumbers over his eyes, "Hey Keith. Just relaxing with the cucumbers I guess" he said with a slight laugh.

Keith looked around blindly, trying to find a light switch as he shut the door behind him, "where's the light?" He asked in a slight panic, feeling as if the dark was overwhelming him, "Where is the light?!"

Lance took the cucumbers off of his eyes and reached his hand above his head, which rested in his pillow, and flipped on the lights, "Relax mullet, they're on" he smiled.

Keith blinked, shook away the slight tremble in his hands and walked over, "Why do you have cucumbers and something on your face?" He asked as Lance set the cucumbers back on his eyes.

Lance chuckled, "Uh, its called cleansing your face, Keith. Ever done it?" He asked as if it was something everyone did.

Keith went silent, fiddling with his hands, and clearing his throat. Lance sat up once more and removed the cucumbers from his eyes, "Seriously? You haven't..? Here-" Lance stood up and walked to his bathroom, grabbing a basket, a pair of shorts, and a towel, "Go take a shower, and when you are done, come out here and I'll help you get the mask on-"

"Lance this is stupid" Keith growled, feeling a bit irritated, but Lance only smiled, "Pleaaaaaase?" He asked, getting close to Keith while begging.

Keith's face reddened at the close distance of his face from Lance's, and sighed, "Fine" he sighed, taking the towel and shorts, and walking into lance's bathroom, shutting the door.

This bathroom was surprisingly big, blue swirls staining the walls and trailing into the shower. Keith sighed and stripped down, looking at his mark in the mirror, CRAP, I forgot about that. How am I going to hide that from lance?! It's totally noticeable! He panicked, turning on the shower and stepping inside.


Lance sat out of the bathroom, setting out the bottles and lotions for Keith when he's done. Lance was excited to show Keith how good it felt to wear the mask, and he was especially excited to see Keith without his shirt on- WAIT. What?

Lance shook his head quickly, what the heck lance? Sudden thought?! You don't like Keith, he's your friend. Why did you think that?! That's so stupid. Just this morning you two were fighting. You can't just have a crush on someone, just by taking their hand. He thought, a blush appearing on his face.

He paused as the shower turned off in his bathroom, and there were footsteps. Suddenly, there was no movement. Just struggling.

Lance stood up, tilting his head as he heard Keith grunt in pain, and a little noise, is someone in there with him?! He thought in panic, grabbing the gun he kept under his bed and walking to the door.

He opened it quickly and was surprised to see Keith on the floor in pain. A purple mark was sliced into his side, moving from his stomach and the side of his neck.

Lance was glad at the moment that Keith had the shorts on, and approached Keith quickly, "Keith, are you okay?!" He asked, setting the gun down and getting on his knees beside the pale boy. Keith gasped and looked at Lance. His right eye was half covered in yellow.

Lance's eyes widened, "Keith...?!" He stood up quickly, panic setting in his stomach and he set his hand back on his gun. He didn't pick it up though.

Lance stared at Keith, who looked at him in fear, his once pale skin now half- covered in thick, fluffy, purple fur,

"Lance.." Keith sat up in pain, "please, it's not what you think-"

"What ARE you?!" Lance shouted, holding up his gun now, protectively.

"I'm Keith! Your friend!" Keith said in a panic, almost loud enough to startle lance into switching his gun out of Safety mode.

"WHO ARE YOU!?" Lance shouted again.

Keith felt tears build up in his sun-touched eye, and normal eye and he whispered, "Someone who cares about you-"

He heard a gunfire.

At least he thought he did. But when he looked at Lance once more, he noticed lance had dropped his gun, and was staring at Keith, "Someone... who cares about me.."

Keith felt a blush appear on his cheeks as he nodded. Lance looked at Keith's mark, then back at Keith, "I care about you as much as I do the others. Probably more" Lance said, giving a soft smile, trembling.

He got on his knees and hugged Keith, "Im so sorry, I didn't mean to do this"

Keith painfully hugged him back, "Lance, you can't tell anyone about me. I'll get killed... but I cant do this alone. I'm in pain" he sighed.

"I understand now, Keith. I'll help you.. you don't have to do this alone now"

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