3•"thanks for being a fan"

Start from the beginning

Making my way to the bathroom I see it's pretty standard. There's only one shower though for 4 girls? This is gonna be hard.

I think quickly and decide I'm gonna have a shower now, so I don't have to fight for one later. I nip back to the room to grab my orange toiletry bag and make my way back to the bathroom.

After I locked the door I turned on the shower and waited for it to be hot. After I stepped inside I closed my eyes and my mind immediately brought me back to the image of Calum. There's no doubt he's good looking. He has the cutest chubby cheeks but at the same time the sharpest jawline I think I've ever seen.

I shake the image out of my head. Think of anything else Cindy! You don't need three months of drooling over Calum when your in the shower! Thoughts of him in the shower with me creep in my mind and I blush like crazy,even though I'm alone.

I think of dogs,cats,what Sierra is doing in Spain and Zac Efron the whole way through my shower. I count the tiles on the wall and draw pictures on the steamed up glass. Anything to keep my dirty thoughts of the tan boy out of my head.

After an extreme long shower I step out and dry myself and slip on my clothes. I dry my wet hair quickly and leave the bathroom to grab my hairdryer.

Walking into the room again I find it empty. "Margot? Ruby?" I call out and I suddenly feel anxious. I pad over to the sliding door to see if there in the lounge eating or watching TV.

"Guys?" I say as I open the door and I walk in, to see Margot and Ruby, and the rest of the team and Zoe and the band. I lock eyes with Calum as I realise everyone is looking at me as I stand silently. My wet hair making annoying drip sounds on the floor.

Zoe clears her throat and raises an eyebrow at me. "Nice to see you joined us Cindy" she says.

"I'm so sorry! I was in the shower I didn't realise we would have to be here. I'm so sorry" I apologise quickly stumbling over my words as my face goes red and warm.

"Lay off Zoe it's the first day" I hear a deep voice say and as I look around to see who said it. I realise it was Calum. His thick Australian accent is raspy and he's looking straight at me.

Zoe motions for me to take a seat and I sit between Margot and the wall. Calum stuck up for me! He actually noticed me!

"Well anyway, as I was saying. We're very happy to welcome the girls to the tour team. Get used to life on Bus C girls and the people on it, one of you will get to join this team at the end of the tour"

"It's so awesome you girls are here!" A voice calls out and I see it's Curly speaking, Ashton I think his name is as I recognise his abnormally long fingers Melissa told me about.

"It is indeed. Cindy we ran over the rota while you were gone, I'm sure one of the girls will fill you in. In future make sure you stick to the shower rota" She says and leaves the bus, obviously expecting the boys to follow.

"Aw Zoe let us stay here and get to know the girls" blondie calls out and waggles his eyebrows. I feel Margot tense beside me as Zoe looks at the lanky boy.

"Fine. Bus leaves in 1 hour boys, be on there we leave for Melbourne tonight, and Luke for christ sake. Make sure you have your room key for the hotel!" Zoe says and blondie who I now know is Luke nods.

The Internship•Calum Hood AUWhere stories live. Discover now