Chapter 4: Living arrangement

Start from the beginning

"About..ah! masturbating or watching porn videos or whatever..we guys do in could do it even if I am here. It's ahaha..ah! Normal." I said my voice getting more high pitched towards the end as I realized the nonsense spouting out of my mouth. Oh god! I want to shoot myself. Please tell me you won't do it, I thought as I looked at him.

"Is that what you do in your private time?" Leviathan asked me and I thought I wanted to hurl. So much for trying to fit into the bad boy mould or was it loser mould?

"Ahaha." I laughed as I tried to back away from him. He didn't let me go though as he grabbed my arm and pulled my rigid body closer to him before slapping my bicep the same way I did before.

"Bro you are damn cool. I didn't know private time could be spent like that and it's normal too you say. Let's do it together then. You are going to teach me aren't you?" He asked me and my mouth dropped in shock as his arms dropped around my shoulder. I looked up at him with dread. He looked like he was enjoying himself from the way he was smirking. I pulled away from his arm on my shoulder and backed off.

"" How the hell do I get out of this weird situation? Me and my big mouth! Come on big mouth, find a good retort at least, I encouraged myself. Aha!

I smiled. "I am pretty sure our tastes won't match. I like lesbian porn and the way girls masturbate wouldn't suit you..I think." I said and then cringed. Maybe I shouldn't have talked about masturbating at all. Why do I run off my mouth without thinking when I am in a tight spot?

"I see. I wouldn't know if I don't see it right? I'll watch and learn from you, the expert. You won't deny a bro since it's so normal isn't it?" He asked, twisting and turning my words against me. Oh god! Not only have I buried myself, I've nailed the coffin as well. How the heck could I get out of it? I hope he was joking and wouldn't actually act on it, I thought as I looked at him with trepidation. Did he look mildly interested or curious? I couldn't figure. He was smirking though. I just hope he was pulling my leg.

Argh! I can't think anymore! So I choose to run away and hide.

"I am staying here and taking your bed." I said as I ran back into his bed and hid under the quilt. Oh god! I hope he doesn't come into bed and continue teasing me on what I said. It had made me quite uncomfortable to be honest. But knowing Leviathan he usually teases me mercilessly especially if he knows it makes me uncomfortable. But to my surprise he didn't pursue it.

I heard him sigh loudly. "Just don't make a pig sty of my room or I will spank the hell out of you." He said loudly. I peeked through the quilt to see what he was doing. I hope he doesn't sleep in the same bed as me.

I was happy to let our previous conversation drop and start the new conversation. "I am not a pig to make your room into a pig sty." I snapped.

"Yeah right. Do I need to remind you what your room looks like?" He asked me and I gasped as I sat up.

"What? How did you see my room? Don't tell me you sneaked into my room and was watching me like freaking Edward Cullen." I said and he looked like he didn't know the Twilight reference from his confused expression.

"Edward who?" He asked me. " You had a guy sneaking in your room?" He asked me with a deep frown.

"Stupid, It's Edward Cullen from Twilight. What an idiot! You don't even know Twilight!" I said and he rolled his eyes.

"Oh that...the freaking chick movie." He mumbled with a laugh.

"Excuse me. Guys also like the movie. Obviously I do." I said.

"How terribly unfortunate of me to not have watched Twilight." He said with a gasp.

I glared at him. "Anyway, I was your neighbor remember? I could see your room from my window." He said with a roll of his eyes.

"Haaahh?" I asked in surprise.

"You saw my room? What else did you see? You were freaking spying on me!" I said and he looked unimpressed.

"For your information you were not interesting enough to spy on and seeing your room gave me such a headache, I closed off the window." He said and I frowned. I do recall the neighbouring house's window being closed with wooden blocks.

"But it turns out you actually have some perverted hobbies. I didn't get to see that before. But since we are sharing my room now, I guess, I will get to see it all. Don't worry little Ellie..ot. It's all a bro thing." He said with a laugh.

I blanched wondering if staying here alone with him was a good idea after all. I should talk to Ed tomorrow to see what he thinks. For now, I need sleep. I feel tired. It's surprising that I didn't feel hungry despite not having anything after breakfast. I watched Leviathan tensely as he took a blanket from his cupboard and went over to the long sofa in his room. He took the pillow I threw at him earlier from the floor and walked over to the sofa. I watched him trying to make himself comfortable on the sofa. I felt bad to make him sleep on the sofa. Perhaps I could buy a mattress when I get a job and earn some money. Then, he could take the bed. Until then, we could take turns on who sleeps in the sofa. I watched him use a remote to turn off the light.

"Hey, we can take turns on the sofa you know." I suggested in the dark.

"That's not necessary. You sleep in bed. I am fine here." He said, refusing to accept my offer.

"If you are feeling guilty about making me sleep here, find some other place you could go as soon as possible." He said and sighed.

"Fine. It isn't like I am dying to stay with you either. I don't have any choice right now. I can help you out in the house." I offered.

"I doubt you would be any help. But, I am already resigned to the fact that you are going to be here. Since you seem to be in a talkative mood, let me tell you the ground rules of my house. I like getting up at 5, cleaning the apartment and making food. So, learn to get up early. Don't hog the bathroom at 5 in the morning or after midnight. I don't like waiting long to take a shower before sleeping or after waking up." He said. In the dark I could see him counting off the list of rules.

"Next, don't ever come out of the bathroom naked. Don't mess up the order of things in my room. Keep my room clean always. I absolutely detest messes. Don't try to snoop into my private life. Also, I have a dog that I bring into my room from time to time. Treat it nicely." He said.

"Wait..a dog? A wild dog?' I asked him.

"Yeah. I named him Snoopy." He said and I heard him yawning. Obviously he was sleepy.

"Hmm..I think I can listen to the rest of the rules tomorrow." I told him.

"Okay. Good night, Ellie. Tomorrow, we should leave early to buy stuff for you or maybe you could go back to your home and get your stuff." He said before silence resumed. I could tell, he had already gone to sleep. Strange! When everything went south for me, it was him, my enemy who actually gave me shelter. Perhaps he was worthy of being my friend. I didn't know what tomorrow would hold for me. It was Saturday. So, I would have two more days before I had to go back to school. If I went back home early enough, I could ask mum to help me get my clothes and leave the house without Jason noticing me.

I hope mum didn't hate me after what she heard from Jason. It would really make me feel deserted if she hates me like my little brother. I couldn't care less about Jason but what my mum thinks will matter. I could understand that she was too submissive to stand up against Jason. But I wished she had tried, even once. I closed my eyes and tried to sleep again. I wondered what lay ahead for me in life. I wonder where the person I would spend my life with was. I believe in love. Hopefully I would meet that person soon and all the confusion and hurt warring inside me will be healed by their love.


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