[Turning You] On! Chapter 8

Start from the beginning

“Terry, why the fuck did you not tell me you were going to do that.” I told him as the blood pumped through my veins and my heart did an irregular heartbeat. He laughed.

“I thought it would be fun.” I leaned back against him and rested my head against his shoulder as I got my heartbeat to slow down. My chest rose up and down rapidly as I tried to get my breathing to return back to normal. Terry ran his fingers though my hair as I felt his lips press against my neck.

“Why are you doing this to me Terry?” I whispered. He turned my head towards him and connected his lips with mine. My heart sped right back up instead of slowing down and my adrenaline continued to pump as we kissed. I turned around and straddled him never breaking the kiss. I had given in. Our tongues tangled together as his hands ran over every inch of my body and as my hands tangled in his hair. I didn’t know why I was kissing him. I knew that I should stop, but damn it just felt so good and I didn’t want to lose this feeling.

His hands gripped the hem of my shirt lifting it above my head, only breaking our kiss for a minuscule second. His hands roamed across my bare torso and over my breast. I moaned into his mouth as I grinded against him. He reached around my back and unclasped my bra pulling it off. What the hell was I doing? My mind was not thinking clearly, because there was no way that I would usually let myself do this.

 He broke the kiss and focused his attention on my boobs taking one into his mouth. I threw my head back enjoying the feeling. I had no clue why I was doing this or what I was doing, but the pleasure was causing me to ignore all thoughts.

A knock sounded off at the window and I immediately grabbed my shirt covering my chest and jumped in the passenger’s seat. Terry let down the window revealing Roy, the town Sheriff.

“You know being in this parking lot after eight o’ clock is trespassing.” He informed us.

“Sorry Roy, we didn’t realize.” I said wanting him to be gone so I could put my shirt on.

“Yea sir, you won’t catch us out here again.” Terry added

“Alright you two go ahead and leave. Don’t let me catch you out here again.” He told us with a smirk playing across his lips. I felt so embarrassed.

“You won’t ,” Terry said before rolling up the windows. I let out a breath and begun laughing and Terry joined. I grabbed my bra and put it on followed by my shirt.

“Can we go to your place?” I asked him.

“Yea,” he said putting the car into gear and then heading off.

I went into Terry’s bedroom and flopped down on his bed. His Dad had asked to speak with him once we walked inside the house so they were now having conversation. I thought back to Terry and I’s make out session in his car earlier. What the hell was I thinking? Why did I even feel this way about Terry? He was a guy and I had come to the conclusion long ago that I was into girls and that I didn’t feel that way about guys. I was a lesbian; I wasn’t supposed to be having these feelings towards him.

I sighed and exhaled a deep breath. I was so confused at what I should do. I knew that all Terry wanted was to get in my pants and that was only going to ruin our friendship. I didn’t want these feelings toward him, hopefully it was just infatuation and it would pass soon. Even as I told myself I knew it wasn’t true. My stomach was beginning to have butterflies every time I was around Terry. At first me being around Terry was just something that I liked to do, but now it seemed like I needed to be with him. When we kissed it felt like there was no one else in the world but us and my body became electrified. I sighed. This was not good.

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