Chapter Four - And Then You'll See,

Start from the beginning

Laurser: you awake?
Please answer me Casp.
Casper, come on.

Me: what is it?

Laurser: you wanna talk
about everything?

Me: not right now, I don't.
Look Lauren, I really just
do one night stands, okay.

Laurser: you're the one who
kept telling their brother you
didn't have time for a relationship
between the groups shit and
the shit involving your brother.

Me: He was hounding me
about having a girlfriend.
He doesn't think it's a good
idea for me to have all of
you around when I'm off
the road. Bout scared Alby
to death when he picked
me up when we left LA.

Laurser: he can't determine what
you do.

Me: obviously. Especially
considering last night. But
look it's fine, my fault.

Laurser: it's not your fault.

Me: yeah it is.

And with that, my phone went back underneath the pillow and I forced my eyes shut for the hundredth time since I laid down.


And I wasn't sure how our one time thing had switched into a multiple time thing. But every time she showed back up at my hotel room, I let her in. And we fucked. And she'd be gone by the time I woke up in the morning.

It wasn't ideal. But it was something.

And whenever we were around the rest of the group, it was like nothing had happened. There was no mention of anything having happened between us. And no one else seemed to notice anything off.

All I knew is I still hated the fact that it was just sex. I was just a good fuck every once in a while. Nothing more than that.

"How's tour doing, Ghost?" My brothers voice asked.

It had become a usual phone call, middle of the night - when there was usually no one around to hear our conversations.

"Its going pretty good." I replied.

I was sitting on the side of the hotel room bed, Lauren was getting dressed again in front of me.

"Any interesting shit happen yet?"

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you, Cade."

Lauren looked over at me, raising an eyebrow, and I shook my head at her.

"You'll have to catch me up when you're back in town man."

"Yeah sure." I said, although I wasn't intending on keeping that promise. He didn't need to know what I had going on currently.

"I gotta get off here, Cade. Later." I said, hanging up the phone. "You could stay, you know. I'm not gonna like expect you to go full force into a relationship if you stay."

She walked over, wrapping her arms around my neck and pressing her lips against mine. "But I might want to if I stay."

"Well would that be so bad?"

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