15 | Getting Hitched

Start from the beginning

I sobbed on her shoulder the whole night about it, retelling my tragic break up story. Rosie helped me through my healing process—something that I will always be grateful for.

Five weeks later, I officially became the new and improved Ava. I ditched my shyness, I escaped my darkroom and became wild. I partied hard, hooked up with guys and spoke back to any person who insulted me.

Rosie was beside me the whole time, guiding me. She made sure I never went too extreme, that I never assaulted a popular person when I got into a fight with them. She backed me up every time and helped me block Max out.

And ever since then, she's been my right—hand woman at parties and school. We were basically the A—team. But with only two members.

"Rosie, please can you get your head out of the gutter?"

I hear Rosie huff on the other side of the line and I can imagine her rolling her grey eyes.

"Fine, fine." She says, sounding rather reluctant to stop messing with me. It's her main trait—she loves teasing people. If we were a superhero group, she would be the comic relief. "So, did you make any friends? Specifically a good friend?"

Is that jealousy I detect in her voice? Hm...

"Why yes, yes I did." I truthfully answer, thinking of my new brown and ginger—haired girlfriends. I suppose the three boys count as good friends as well, they seem nice. Even Luke, the biggest flirt in the world who doesn't understand me. I bet if I hit him with a sign saying 'not interested' he would blank it out and continue to pursue me.

"Ooh, what are they like?" She asks in a curious and interested voice. If there's one thing I'm certain about Rosie, its that she is always interested in every aspect of her friend's lives. It shows she cares about me; that she is a true friend but even when I don't really want to tell her anything, I end up doing it.

If I tried to lie to her, Rosie would always know. She is a human lie detector.

"They are nice. There's Molly who is the nicest person ever. She's shy, a bit like me in freshman year. She's super pretty as well, I'm actually really envious of her. And then there's Bree, she's a real spitfire. She even has firey red hair. They are great people; I know you would definitely like them." I tell Rosie.

Rosie hums. I hear rustling on her side of the phone meaning she's moving around. Patiently, I wait for Rosie to stop moving around. So I zone out and think about food and what I'm going to watch on Netflix when I've finished my dreaded homework.

A thump and a yelp from Rosie has me coming back to reality. She curses under her breath, not loud enough for me to hear, unfortunately. Rosie has a sailor's mouth.

"You okay there?" I gently ask her when I don't hear any noise.

For a moment, I don't get a reply. I begin to think maybe she cut the call or the connection died but I'm proven wrong when I hear Rosie's breathless voice. "I'm here and I'm okay. I think. Just had a bit of an...accident. That's all."

"Right..." I drawl out, not entirely convinced.

"Right so, where were we?" Rosie questions and I nearly facepalm.

"We were discussing my new friends," I inform her.

"Ah yes, the friends who are replacing me," she adds confidently yet I can hear the sadness in her voice. I feel a pang in my heart. I hate that my friend is doubting our friendship.

"Rosie," I start in a soft voice," you know that they will never replace you. You are my best friend. Always. I mean, do you really think binge—watching TV shows will be the same with them? Do you honestly think we will obsess over characters from Stranger Things and The Originals in the same way? No, the answer is no. You are my best friend. You know me better than anyone."

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