Chapter 2: Love Blooms, Page 11: Stay?

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Red's(UF Sans) P.O.V.

Last thing I remember is I was sleeping on the cougch with Stretch... NOT BEING SUFFOCATED HIS BED!! I tried rolling off, but no luck. He felt like a bag of bricks just laying on ya, for summers noon(IDFK :}). This time I wasn't giving in, no matter how warm.. Soft and nic- I SHALL NOT GIVE IN!! I started to push him of me, hearing him groan at me. I was being suffocated by a big bad of smoke, "HUGH!!" I yelled, hoping it would wake him up, nope. It did not. I made two choices, either I give in.. Again, or I yell for freedom. I knew what had to be done, "STRETCH ALL YA HONEY AND SMOKES ARE GONE!!" And with that he zipped up, "WHAT?!"

I slowly slipped of the bed, not trying to be noticed. "Nice try.." he quickly picked me up by my waist, and turned me to face him. "You been caught.. Red handed." I smiled" heyy.. You.." I softly punched him in the chest, "Haha.. Your not letting be go now, are you?" I said with knowing that I made a BIG mistake. "You made a bad choice Red.." He smirked at me with his lazy eyes, and I had to agree with him there. "Uhh.. THINK FAST!!" I pulled his head to me, and quickly teleport-ed.

US Papyrus(A.K.A Honey, Smoke, Stretch, Carrot, Orange,and Papy) P.O.V.

"Uhh.. THINK FAST!!" Red out of nowhere pulled my head down then teleport-ed away, "Why didn't I see that coming?" I lazily got out of my bed, then looked around my room. 'I clean it later' I thought to myself. I tucked my hands in my pockets then slowly walked out the door,"Now.. Where did my little Red go?" I sighed, walking to the kitchen pulling out bait. Mustard and a fan. "Come out Red, I got something for ya!", I knew he wouldn't give in so easily. So that's why I got the fan! I use my magic to plug in the fan.

Giving out the smell of fresh warm mustard in the air. "Red, there's something nice waiting for ya!" I sat down on the chair then added another bottle of mustard. Making smell go through the house, I lay back in the chair making as I was asleep. Started making loud little snores, It fooled him once and will fool him again. I began to hear small foot steps getting closer to me, I looked out my eye a little see Red slowly walking towards me. I kept the same movement.

Red's (UF Sans) P.O.V. Again :|

I was hiding in the closet, when I heard Stretch yell out for me "come out Red, I got something for ya!" Yeah right, I was gonna come out just because he said that. "What dose he take me for huh?" I quietly mumble. I stared to smell something smoothing , Mustard. No, I shall not fall in, I peeked out to see a fan blowing the beautiful smell of the yellow liquid. "Red, there's something nice waiting for ya!" I KNOW!! THE MOST BEAUTIFUL THING IN THE WORLD IS?! But I had to think of a way to get it now, it wouldn't leave my mind that easy, but I had to be careful. The way Stretch put so much force on the word nice, didn't sound good at all.

The smell soon after got stronger, I peeked out once again seeing the smoke bag fell to sleep AND THERE WERE NOW TO BOTTLE OF MUSTARD! It was calling me, and I had to respond. "Operation red: GET THE GOD DAMN MUSTARD WITHOUT THE SMOKE BAG WAKING UP!" I quietly yelled. I slid out of the closet looking at the target, 'Damn it look good' I thought with a smile. I slowly started walking near Stretch, hearing his snores. 'There always cute when sleep.' I faced the sleeping bag of smoke then smiled, "So lazy can't even wait for ya own target."I turned toward the mustard, smiling with my mouth open.

Till I heard the sound of a lighter, the smell of smoke came from behind me. I faced my eyes up. Seeing Stretch with a big smirk and a cigarette at hand. "Now what were you saying about me?" I gulped, and just stared. "So lazy can't even wait for ya own target?" He faced me towards him, pushing me to the table. He pulled my chin up, and looked at me with his lazily eyes...

Operation Failed...


Wow, I kinda like this one... I bet one out of five of ya THOUGHT WRONG! But yeah, all this is just a little.. Nice stuff, before the hell comes. He never got the mustard... HE GOT A WHOLE LOT OF PAPY THO!! And guess what!! THIS IS HOW CHAPTERS WORK PPL!! NOT AS SOON AS YA GET TO PAGE 2!! Just like five pages in chapter one bro... not just one then your in chat 2.. AM NOT CALLING NAMES!! BUT YOU KNOW WHO THE FUCK YA ARE!! Anyway I hope you liked this page and YAYA YAYA DOO! Until next time >:}

Later bitches~

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