Chapter 1:Rotten Bones,Page 10: Warm Hands

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US Papyrus( A.K.A honey, Smoke, Papy, Stretch, Carrot and Orange.. GOD HE HAS A LOT OF NICKNAMES O__O) P.O.V.

I was just walking around, just going to take a little night walk, Blue was with Alphys watching anime? Anime is that it? yeahh, I think that's what it's called. I was gonna go to Muffet's but something told me not to, so I just when with it. It sure did look nice and quite out here, I took out a cigarette and lit it, Blue would always get upset when I smoke, no matter how much I tell him it keep me clam.

I sat down on a tree pulling out my phone, ever sines those other me's and Blue's came, we stayed in touch. "Hmm... I wonder what there up to..." I looked down my contacts and saw Red, I sighed " I wonder how he's doing, with that Papyrus of his." I pushed call, holding the phone to my head, why? I don't know it not like I have ears.

I heard a phone from distance, "He can't be.." I ended the call, to only call again. Once again I heard a phone ringing loudly through the trees, I got up and started walking to the ringing, till it soon stopped. I called again hearing that I was get closer, I walked faster. "Where is he?" As I started to run out of worry, I fell over a log, at least I though it was. I looked down under me, to see a shaking, bloody, skeleton. "Red? What did that crazy fuck do to you now?" I got up, looking down at his body, I slowly picked him up and holding him in my arms. Wiping the cold white snow from his face, "Yup, that's Red all right" I said to myself.


I sat Red on the couch and got a rag, I swear every time I see him he's a bloody mess, but I can't blame him, I blame Edge. That dumb crazy fuck!! I sighed, wiping the blood off of Red, "Why do you stay with that crazy fuck?" I said while getting a few bandeds, pulling Reds shirt off, I could see his soul was dull. It seem like it was gonna fall apart. I couldn't help but touch his rids, all broken and twisted. He made a soft whimper, it was kinda cute.. If only it wasn't like this.

A few minutes later, I started to hear Red moan something, it was to low to hear. I didn't try to push it, he's been through a lot today. I looked at Red small body, the lay with him, holding him to know he's safe.

My Bullshit Note:

AWW!! IT'S SO HEART WARMING!! HAHA BUT SOMETHING GONNA COME!! OH HOW I LOVE TO RUINS SHIT!! But really it about time Papy get some spot light. But wait this page isn't over just yet... TIME FOR RED TO SHINE!! >:}

Red's (UF Sans) P.O.V.

I felt a tight embrace on me, so nice and warm I got closer to it. It make me feel safe, comfortable, loved, but most of all warm. As I was getting comfortable, I felt the warmness move away, causing me to make a small cry. My body didn't want it to go, though I was half sleep, I was able to move closer to the source of the heat.

"Red? You awake?"
I hear a lazy voice say, my eyes soon after open to see a orange hoodie. There was only one monster that had a honey sainted, orange hoodie. I looked up slowly, "Stretch..."

He gave me a lazy smile, "wow Red, didn't think you be the clingy type." I looked down to see my arms wrapped around him, heat quickly rose to my face. I let go, and began to look at the smirk on his face. "You hungry? We can go to Muffet's if ya want."
I move away from Stretch to get some space, "no, am cool." I lied, I just wanted some space, I needed some time to think.

"..Okay then." Stretch said while lighting a cigarette, I never knew why he smokes, or how. But then again I didn't push it. I started to feel him stare at me, which make me a little jumpy. I turned to face him,"take a picture, it lasts longer." I wasn't in the mood for his games, not today, not now. I soon later closed my eyes. I felt Stretch's hands pick me up,"what the he-" he sat me in his lap and pulled out his phone. "Stre-" he held my waist, which made me keep quite.
"Stretch wh-" before I could say anything else, he started to snore. I looked at him with disbelief, he went to fucking sleep on me! "Stretch, wake up!" Nothing just more restless snores. "STRETCH!! GET UP!!" Nope, nothing, just more lazy snores. I knew there was no point of trying, but he was really holding me tight. "Ha... Night Stretch", and with that, I gave in and when to sleep.

I OUT DID MA SELF!! This wasn't that shity.. Good for me.. I should get food for ma self.. PIZZA YEAH PIZZA.. Anyway for the few amount of people that like this, here ya go. Also even tho this has nothing to do with Undertale amma say it anyway..


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