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I reached home and went straight to my room. I was so sleepy and my soft bed was all that was in my head. But when I was just about to sleep Jason came entering my room with a loud yawn. I was just tucking myself under the sheets. Cole turned and looked at Jason curiously from beside my feet.

"Jason? What cha doin here, sugar?" I asked as I watched him struggling to climb up on my bed. After several attempts he just gave up and looked at me. "Shelena? Help, pleashe..." he asked, his puffy eyes all cute. 

"Alright, kiddo." I said and picked him up. He straight away went for Cole and rubbed his head. Cole started barking excitedly. I laughed when Cole licked Jason. My mom entered my room.

"Come on now, Jason. Sleep time!" she said and reached to carry him. He moved away. My mom frowned at him. "What is it now, Jason? You sister needs sleep time too..." Jason scratched his head. "Mommy? Can I sleep with Shelena tonight? I love Cole.... Pleashe, mommy?" My dad was at the door by then.

"Just leave him be, Alice. Jason, behave ok?" My dad reminded Jason.

"Ok, daddy!" he said and tugged on my sleeve. For a brief moment I was reminded of how Sean had tugged on my sleeve too. I looked at Jason as he pointed towards mom and dad. Of course, he'll want to hug them good night. I carried him down and gave him to mom and dad. After the good night wishes, I hugged them too and took Jason back. Mom and dad entered their room and so I decided to go to Suzanne and tell her about everything that happened. Cole followed me as I left my room and Jason started twirling my curly hair with his fingers. 

I quietly opened her room door only to find her asleep. Well, then. Looks like it'll have to wait. I closed the door, adjusted Jason's position on my hip and went back to my room. I leaned to softly place Jason on the bed when he accidentally pulled my hair. I winced with pain and saw that his fingers were tangled with my hair. "Jason, Jason," I sighed and patiently untangled his fingers. Cole jumped on my bed and Jason was successfully distracted from me. I closed my door, bunned up my hair again and jumped on the bed. "Yay!" Jason squealed with excitement. I shushed him and started tickling him. He laughed and laughed until he yawned more than he laughed. He kept his hand over Cole and I drew circles on his stomach with my finger, easing him into sleep. Soon enough, his steady breath was all that I heard. 

Now that Jason was asleep, I reached for the one thing that I was avoiding myself from since after tuition: my phone. I unlocked my phone with my fingerprint and the room was suddenly filled with light. Jason moved a little and Cole lifted his head up. His eyes were spooky in the light. I opened my WhatsApp and already there were a few messages from various people. I ignored a few of them and replied to Shakira, Lisa and Pooja. 

Shakira and Pooja had sent me a few funny gifs and emoji hinting to what had happened today at tuition. Damn, do my friends just love to tease me. They were all asking me on what had happened but I just replied that I'll tell them at school tomorrow. I mean, I just love keeping people waiting with suspense. It's so fun to watch them crumbling! Lisa had posted a few status on her dog, Tomax's birthday. She even had a cake cut for him! Lisa was just the perfect girl, so pretty, so smart and so family-centered, you know. The guy who's gonna have her is just so lucky.

I finally went to the last message that I'd avoided from the start.

"Thank you." It was from Sean. "I'll promise to live our reality in the best way possible, Selena." I blushed. I was so happy that he felt that way for me. But at one side of my brain, all I could ever think of was whether what I've done is right or not. I decided to face the consequences later and enjoy the moment for now.

"You're welcome, Sean." I sent. I'd noticed that he was online. As soon as I sent it, he saw it. I started typing more.

"So, did you understand everything that I taught you today?" I mean sure I'm happy and all but I'd be sad if my student was still clueless.

"Sure." he replied. Though somehow I felt that he was unsure.

"Sean, you gotta be honest with me. If there's anything you should know about me is that II don't tolerate lies." I said, hoping maybe he'll bail out on me.

"Fine. I was too busy looking at you that I heard everything you said but didn't understand any of it. Make sense?"

"Sure." I sent, wanting to slap my forehead. All that energy and still he understands nothing.

"So... what are you doing?" Well, to be honest, I was so happy that I could scream out loud and was so unsure that I could kill myself. But I just sent, "I'm about to sleep." 

"You always sleep this early?" he asked. I looked at the time. It was 11.13 p.m.. Early? Hello?! But I just sent, "No." 


"?" I wondered what he was going to ask.

"Can I call you?" I looked at Jason. He was fast asleep and so was Cole.

"I guess you can but not today. My younger brother's sleeping with me." Anything was a good excuse right now. I really appreciated the effort and he was so cute and everything, but, I'm just sleepy.

"Ok then. Well, you better sleep now. Thanks for today." He sent. I smiled.

"Good night," I sent. He sent an audio recording. I played it. He was singing Sky Full of Stars by Coldplay. I felt goosebumps rising on my skin, overwhelmed by his voice. 

'Cause you're a sky, 'cause you're a sky full of stars
I'm gonna give you my heart
'Cause you're a sky, 'cause you're a sky full of stars
'Cause you light up the path

I don't care, go on and tear me apart
I don't care if you do, ooh
'Cause in a sky, 'cause in a sky full of stars
I think I saw you

'Cause you're a sky, 'cause you're a sky full of stars
I wanna die in your arms
'Cause you get lighter the more it gets dark
I'm gonna give you my hear

I don't care, go on and tear me apart
I don't care if you do, ooh
'Cause in a sky, 'cause in a sky full of stars
I think I see you
I think I see you

'Cause you're a sky, you're a sky full of stars
Such a heavenly view
You're such a heavenly view

By the end, Jason had moved closer to me like he was drawn by music and I'd just fallen in love with Sean even more.

"Thank you, Sean. Good night." I sent. And with that I replayed the recording and fell asleep to his smooth voice.

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