Well... Would I?

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I stared dumbfoundedly at my phone. What the hell? Who would send me something like this? Was it a prank? I immediately messaged Shakira and Lisa. They replied saying that they had nothing to do with it. I checked for the number's profile picture but there was no picture. Nothing. I just sat there on my bed, staring at my phone, wondering what to do. After a few minutes of intense thinking, I decided to find it out myself. I placed my fingers on the screen and took a deep breath.

"But who are you?" I sent and waited. One tick. The message has been sent. Two ticks. He go it. Soon enough, blue ticks. He's seen it. (I'm just hoping that it's a he.) My heart started beating loudly.

"You don't know me, but I've known you for a long enough time." Huh? Who could it be? I was done guessing.

"Can you just cut the chase and tell me who you are?"

"Will you start a new reality with me?" 


"Ok, ok, chill Selena... I'm..."

"You are...?" And with that I was just blue-ticked. Seriously? I waited for a few minutes, staring at the screen like my whole life depended on it. Ten minutes. Nothing. I just switched it off and let it to charge. It must be someone pranking. Idiots. I switched on my computer and signed in Wattpad and continued with Chapter 10 in The Bad Boy With Glasses. Damn was Gage so hot in my head. If only he was real. I sighed and read on. 


A few hours later, I dragged myself away from Wattpad and went downstairs. My aunt and my cousins were over for lunch. They might be staying over. Aunt Sheila was super pretty for a 41 year-old lady. And both her daughters, Deanna and Charlotte, my cousin sisters, were beautiful too. Sure I envy them sometimes but I love them like nothing else. As soon I saw Aunt Sheila, I ran over and hugged her. She hugged me back tightly and held me at arm's length.

"Oh my, Selena! Look at how beautiful you've become!" She said and kissed me on my forehead. Even though deep down I knew that it could never be true, I blushed and smiled at her. She soon moved on to Suzanne, Alex and Jason. I then pulled Deanna into a huge hug and we both went upstairs to my room with Cole following right behind to catch up on each other's lives. Suzanne took Charlotte up to her room while Alex tagged along and only my mom, dad, Aunt Sheila and Jason were left at the living room.

Deanna and I are like super close cousin sisters. We are always together whenever we meet or have family gatherings. She flung herself on the bed and started flicking through my phone. It was too late before I could stop her. Did I mention that she's also the only one who knows my password? She went through my WhatsApp messages and after checking out and reading out the few new messages, she stumbled upon the message from earlier. She looked and gawked at me.

"Selena!" she said and pulled me playfully by my shirt. "Why didn't you tell me that you had a secret follower?"

I sighed. "Even I knew it today, so.... How could've I told you?" I asked her sarcastically.

She let loose of me and sat Indian style and her face looked serious. "Fine. But, do you know who he is?" she asked me.

"There's a reason why they call secret admirers secret you know." I said and looked at her with a 'duh' face.

"Oh right... you don't know who he is... Hehehe, my bad then." She said and threw my phone towards me. I caught it and flopped myself beside her. I unlocked my phone and stared at the WhatsApp message.

I looked up at Deanna and asked, "What should I do now?"

"Well... don't you wanna know who he is?" I nodded. Of course I wanted to. "Then message him! What are you waiting for?"

I sighed and looked up at her before I started typing. Here goes nothing.

"May I know who are you?" I typed and my finger floated above the send button. I looked at Deanna with a "Should I do it?" face and before I knew it, she sent it for me. A part of me died, horrified at what I just did. I buried my face into my pillow and held onto Deanna's hand. She held onto mine while her eyes were on my phone. "Chill, Selena... It's not a big deal. He was the one who started it anyways..." She said, trying to convince me.

I laid there for a few seconds before she pulled me up. "He's typing!" she said excitedly. I looked at her nervously. "What if it's all a prank? What if He's actually a She? What if he's not good looking?" I started, all jittery. She just frowned at me. "Just shut up, will you? So many questions..." She said and returned her focus back to my phone. It seemed like decades before he sent the message.

Ping.  That was enough for me to almost scream. Deanna read it excitedly, absorbing the words like a sponge. At the end, all she said was, "No freaking way. It's Sean!" Sean? 
I stared at her unbelieving.

She shoved the phone in my face. It was true. Those three words, well, one word with a name, changed my life.

"I'm Sean Anderson." But it didn't stop there. There was another message, just sent.

"Will you start a new reality with me, Selena Watson?" I was dumbfounded. But before I could let it overwhelm me, I wanted to check if it was true or all just a big prank. I took the phone from Deanna and decided to call the number. It rang and after a long time he picked up.

"Hello?" Oh my god. So it was true. I mean I would recognize Sean's voice anywhere. He was the lead singer in his group and never mixes around girls. It's what makes him popular among the girls. He's a doesn't-know-he's-hot type. 

"Sean? Is this really you?" I had to make sure.

"Umm.... Yeah, Se-Selena." He stumbled. Damn was he cute. But what if he's just pranking?

"Wait a minute, how do I know that you're not pranking?" 

"I'm not, Selena!" he said, sounding exasperated. "Fine, I'll tell you something that only I know about you. Will you believe that it's me then?"

What? What does he know about me that no one else knows? But I have to keep my cool. "Sure, shoot me with your best shot, Sean."

I heard him take a huge breath in. "You always make sure that you come to every show of mine and if I'm not in the show that day, you don't go. Oh, and also, you always come early to get the best seats."

No. Freakin. Way. "You noticed it all this time?" I asked, taking some time to wrap it around my head. He just gave a shaky laugh.

"Do you believe me now?" he asked, hope evident in his voice. I was lost for words. Sure, I had a small - fine, huge - crush on him since I laid my eyes on him... but will it work between us?

"Yes, I do, Sean... But..." Should I really just dive into a relationship with him? Just like that?

"But what, Selena?" I looked at Deanna helplessly. She just gave me a two thumbs up and urged me on.

"But, I can't just start a new thing with you, Sean. I need time. Time to think - time to get to know you. I can't just jump into a relationship just because I'm all crazy for you." I sighed into the phone.

"You - you're all crazy for me?" Oops. I shouldn't have told that to him. I felt like banging my head against the wall. "Anyways, I totally understand what you mean. How about you sit with me for Addmaths tomorrow? We can start from there... and well, you're really good in it and i'm really bad, so..."


"You can teach me at tuition?" I was jumping in joy.

"Yeah sure..."

"Tuition then?" he double-checked.


"Bye, Selena."

"Bye, Sean." 

And with that, I ended the call. I flopped on the bed and stared at the ceiling. The questions that Deanna asked me were lost in the air - I was far away from reality.

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