Start from the beginning

"Let's make one thing fucking clear. If the day comes where my daughter is in danger, a woman with her strength and determination is rare and fucking dangerous. She knows how to handle herself more than any of your men do, heck she could take them all out before your dumbass could even acknowledge what was going on. Now keep my daughter's name out of your mouth before I close it for you."

I'm not ashamed to admit that I'm a daddy's girl, after all he is the one who decided to stick around. Many families in my dad's line of business are not close, with son's and daughter's just being used as pawns to fit into the stupid game of which we call the rich society. A portrayal of an idilic loving family with businesses across the world, perfect for covering the drug smuggling, weapon trading meetings which actually occurred on a daily. No family was ever close, the dad stayed in the office working 24/7 whilst he cheats on his wife with younger women. The wife stays at home, attending tea parties with other wealthy wife's, working so hard to make the family not seem broken. Me and my dad find it pretty ironic really, it's always been me and him against it all. When I was younger he would wake up extra early to make sure he finished work early, always clearing 3 hours of his day to self defence, weapon use and finishing with a game of laser tag. He loved his mafia empire, he started running it at the age of 19, becoming one of the youngest leaders of the British mafia ever. He successfully formed alliances with the most feared gangs in our country, was the first mafia leader to allow women into the mafia as well as owning multiple hotel chains at the same time to create a perfect cover up. He was feared. So fucking feared. he was involved with underground fighting, remaining unbeaten for 7 years until he retired once I was born. I then became his pride and joy. I'm the only person who can make my dad nervous, as I'm the only person who's reaction he cares about. 

"Cindy I only get nervous when I'm scared that you will be upset with me, I never ever want to be the cause of your sadness".

"Spit it out" a teasing tone in my voice, although the slight apprehensiveness wavers in my words. "Okay well- You see the thing is- well- What I'm trying to say-" he stops his rambling when he noticed my unamused face. Taking a long sigh he straightens his posture and his face returns to the serious look I have been accustomed to these past years. "Over the past couple of months I have been in talks with another mafia. The New York Mafia to be exact. After many conversations we decided to form an alliance in an attempt to increase our power in the business. We decided that it would be more practical if we moves to New York. Listen I'm so sorry sweetheart because I know I left it late to tell you and I know that means you don't have time to tell your friends you are leavin-"

"Oh my gosh" I whisper, interrupting his speech. My dad takes a step forward into my room, guilt spread across his face. "I'm so sorry-" "FUCK YEAH. NEW YORK BABY" I sing as I push his big ass body out my room and slam the door in his face excitedly. New York. A city which has always been on my to visit list, mainly because of the insane underground fighting rings and beautiful food. You're probably wondering why I am not upset about leaving the country I have lived in for 17 years, well to tell you the truth I never really had friends at my school, or outside of school for that matter. Whilst other girls grew up playing with dolls or kicking a football, I was being taught how to get out of a mans hold if a knife was pressed against my neck. I never had a mother to go to for girly advice, and as much as I adored my dad, going to him for girl gossip and period problems wasn't a good idea in my head. Therefore I found it hard to really connect with anyone at school when I joined, besides I was perfectly happy having my dad and his men as my friends. My dad claims I struggled to make friends in school because I'm intimidating, once telling me:

"Cindy you are not allowed to punch someone just because they said they didn't like your painting. You are 9 years old baby."

My dad brought me up to be the best female fighter in our mafia, I was trained in self defence at 8 years old, being introduced to weapons at 9. As I got older, I chose to specialise in guns and knifes but I learnt how to use sword swell as other weapons.I would train with Lucy, the only person who I class as a best friend. She is a member of our mafia but was transferred to New York to send the initial message from my dad of an alliance with their mafia as my dad didn't want anything logged in hackable data. Lucy being in NYC is another reason as to why I can't wait to move. 

Snapping out of my thoughts, I climb off my desk stool and grab some joggers and a sweatshirt before grabbing my black suitcase. "Sorry bed, i'll re-arrange our bonding time for another day" I say whilst frantically opening and closing my drawers, grabbing as many pieces of clothing I can muster to chuck into my case. After an hour of packing I sit on my bed with a sigh, the slight sweat on my forehead making me scrunch my face in discomfort.

Who knew packing was such a workout.

Looking in the mirror I assess my outfit choice before mentally telling myself that it'll have to do, we have a private plane so hardily anyone is in the area of the airport we are in though anyway.

"HONEYYY WE'RE LEAVING" I hear my dad shout from downstairs, "OKAYY I'M COMING" I shout back, trying not to trip down the stairs due to the big ass suitcase in my arms blocking my vision. "The plane is leaving in 2 hours so we will get there in about 1 hour and then we will have to go through security-""But what about our weapons?" I interrupt, suddenly realising how many illegal items we will have in the moving boxes. "Darling, I think you forgot who we are for a second, we have a private plane and the security who search us all work for me, you don't have to worry" my dad tells me with a smirk on his face, the perks of being one of the most dangerous men around I guess. Once, we arrive at the airport we go through security with no problems at all, my dad giving me a told you so look before chuckling as he dodges the playful smack that was sent his way by me. We were soon informed that our plane was ready and we made our way towards it, not without my dad trying to trip me up from behind every five seconds. "You are such a kid" I mumble to myself. "Ci" my dad calls as I turn to him, realising that he is know walking beside me, "yes.." I reply to him unamused by the actions of him not too long ago. " The Leader of the other mafia is called Damien Smith. He is in a similar authoritative position as me, incredibly well respected and incredibly powerful. He also has a son called Blake who might be going to your new school, so you might want to get to know him as you will be seeing each other a lot in the near future" he informs me, "okay" I mumble in reply, too sleepy to really take in what he is saying. As soon as we got into the plane I was handed a blanket and pillow from a staff member, earning a mumbled "thank you" by me in response. All I hear is a faint "no problem" before I fall into a deep sleep. New York, i'm coming for you...



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@cindylowe // BYE LONDON <3
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AUTHORS NOTE: Instagram posts will be included throughout the story <3

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