Chapter 16

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When I finally woke up, I panicked once again. I was in a bed but in a room I didn't recognize. I was wearing the same outfit from last night, but last night was blurry. The last thing I remember is a boy giving me a drink and then me feeling sick. I quickly scanned the room to see if there was any evidence of something happening the night before. There wasn't a sign that a person had been in the bed with me. I sighed in relief. Shortly after I heard a light knock on the door. My heart was racing as the door opened. I relaxed immediately when I saw Luke's head pop around the doorway.

"Hey! You're awake. How're you doing? Do you remember last night? Do you remember anything?" He quickly spat all these questions at me. I wasn't quite sure which to answer first.

"Hey, I am awake. I'm alright. I vaguely remember last night and I remember almost everything else in my life." He came and sat at the end of the bed I was in.

"Calum and I brought you back to my house last night. You're in my room but I slept on the couch. Calum slept here too, but on another couch in the den. Calum actually left, kicked the shit out of the guy that drugged you, then came back and after I calmed him down and convinced him not to kill the guy, which was hard because that motherfucker really deserves it, he finally went to sleep. He's downstairs now waiting for us." I took a moment to let everything you said sink in. After a little while, I rolled out of bed and followed Luke downstairs to where Calum was.

As I reached the bottom of the stairs Calum leapt out of his spot.

"Are you okay? How do you feel? I'm so sorry that happened to you. Do you need anything?" Just like with Luke all these questions were fired at me.

"I feel okay. A little sick but not too bad. Everything from last night is a little fuzzy. A coffee would be nice right now. But uh, Cal, can I talk to you for a minute outside?" Calum looked confused but he nodded his head anyway and we went onto the back porch. We sat on a couple of chairs and I thought about what I wanted to say. I mean, he basically saved my life. If it wasn't for him, who knows what would've happened last night.

"Thank you." I had so much I wanted to say and thank you didn't begin to say how grateful I was to him. I had so many questions too. He opened his mouth to say something but I cut him off.

"Tell me everything that happened last night. Everything." He looked taken aback but soon he was telling me the details of last night. He had been keeping an eye on me all night and saw the guy looking at me all night as well. He didn't like that at all. Sure, Calum tried to have a good time too, but he his focus was on me. When Luke left me he saw the other guy go to make his move. The guy had two drinks and when I had glanced away he saw the guy put something in them. At this point me and the guy had moved to outside and Calum said he couldn't just follow us. His friends were taking him to different places and kept giving him drinks. He didn't feel right leaving me though. He went outside just to see how I was doing and that's when he saw what had happened to me. He ran to get Luke and tried to explain everything. He didn't have much time though. Luke just grabbed me from the guys grip and that's when Calum punched him. After that they brought me back to Luke's and that's how we ended up here.

I didn't know what to say. Once again, thank you wouldn't cut it. He literally saved my life.

"I love you Malia. I'll always love you and be there to protect you. Don't ever forget that." He started to tear up. I stood up and went to where he was sitting. He was looking at me just as confused as earlier. All of a sudden his past mistakes didn't seem to matter. It may be cliche but I was all for living for the moment. Forgive and forget and all that other bullshit.

"I love you too Calum." And with that I crashed our lips together. He stood up and cupped my face in his hands. When we broke apart we were

breathless. I couldn't find words and it didn't seem like he could either. Probably a good thing too because a few moments later Luke knocked on the door and peeked his head around.

"Your coffee is ready."


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