Chapter 7

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When I woke up my face was nestled in the crook of Max's neck. Michael and Luke vanished, most likely to get food. When I looked at the clock it said 11:27am. This was way later than I'm use to. I grabbed my phone off the table in front of me and saw 2 texts from Michael, 1 from my mom, 1 from Luke, and 3 from Calum. I scooted away from Max and quietly went into the kitchen to make coffee while I read my messages. Luke and Michael went to get food, like I predicted and said they would bring something back for me and Max. My mom was just checking in. I sent her a quick text saying everything was fine. Calum's messages weren't that simple however.

Evidently, Calum got drunk last night and decided to text me.

"What's with you and the new guy?"

"Are you fucking him?"

"Why can't you just take me back?"

I didn't want to deal with him. I don't need to justify my hanging out with Max. I can do whatever I want. I'm not in a relationship and I shouldn't feel guilty for moving on. I knew the only way I would be able to move on is to let go of Calum, and what better way to let go and forget about someone than a party? I pulled out my phone and called Ashton. He loves parties and he can organize one better than anyone.

"Hey Ash? Can you do me a huge favor?"

"Hey Malia. What is it?" He sounded skeptical of what I wanted.

"Are your parents out of town again this weekend?" I asked as innocently and sweetly as I could.

"Are they ever in town?" He chuckled.

"How would you feel about throwing a party? I know normally I would say your partying is out of control and all but I really need to let loose and let go. Please Ash?"

"Of course! My house. The party starts at 7! Don't worry I got this. You won't remember tonight at all!" He hung up the phone immediately after that. He sounded so excited. I laughed at how energetic he could get sometimes. I texted Luke and Michael to tell them about the party.

"Hey. Where is everyone?" A sleepy Max wandered into my kitchen.

"Hey! Luke and Michael went to get food. They'll be back soon. Do you have any plans tonight?"

"No. I don't think so."

"Good. You'll be coming with us to a party." He seemed to be wide awake now. A huge grin was on his face as well. What was it about boys that got them so excited about parties?

A few hours later and we were all standing on Ashton's porch trying to get through the door into the party. Red plastic cups were littering the yard, people were drunkenly making out with each other, and I think someone was passed out. It was only 8:30. When Ashton said you wouldn't remember the party, he meant it.

We squeezed through people until we got to the kitchen and found Ashton making drinks.

"Hey! You guys made it!" He yelled over the music. He handed each of us a red cup. We weren't too sure what was in it, but we all took a sip anyway. Luke and Michael stayed a while then walked off to find girls. Ashton abandoned his station to mingle with his guests. Max and I went to where all the music was and sat on the couch. We talked about basically everything while we drank. Occasionally we got up to get another drink, but it was always back to the couch.

Max was telling me a story from his childhood about when he fell off his bike going down a hill and got hurt when a pair of hands pushed him off the couch.

"What the fuck?" I yelled as I turned to see who did it. It was, of course, Calum. He was fuming.

"This is you're new guy, huh? You hook up with me last week, making me think that we might get back together, and now you're sitting here with him flirting all night?" He screamed at me. A few people were looking at us. I didn't want to make a scene so I slowly got up and took his arm. We went to the backyard where nobody was.

"I'm not with Max. We were just talking." I tried to keep my voice leveled and calm as I spoke to him.

"Oh really? You've been spending a lot of time with him lately. You really expect me to believe that nothing is going on?" He was still yelling. I wasn't going to take this from him.

"No Cal. I'm not with him. I haven't been with anyone since you. I'm still in fucking love with you, but you hurt me and now I can't trust anyone else. So no, I'm not trying to be with Max." I yelled at him. He looked dumbfounded, I turned around and got the rest of the boys so we could leave. As I went to find Max, I found some girl all over him. They were making out and she was sitting on his lap. I was disgusted. Sure, I wasn't ready for a relationship but I sorta thought Max might've liked me. On a closer look I realized who it was. Michael came running into the room and grabbed my by my waist before I could get to her.

"Let's go. She's not worth it." Michael whispered in my ear. He practically carried me to the car. Luke sat in the back with me as we all drove back to my house. First that whore takes Calum and now Max? I'm gonna have a talk with her first thing Monday morning at school.

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