Chapter 2

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The next morning I woke up and Michael's arm was still wrapped around me. I looked at the clock and it was 8:34. A blanket was placed over us, probably by my mother. I got out from under Michael's arm and saw a note from my mother.

Hey honey,

Went to work early. Your father is out of town for the month, as you already know. I won't be home until late, and then I have to go out again with Margaret. I left money for you and Michael to eat.

Love, Mom

It was just like her to be out late. She works in a hospital as a surgeon, and most nights after she comes home she goes right back out with friends. My dad goes out of town for months at a time, but I'm not quite sure what he does. My house is normally just me and Calum, but I guess not anymore. I started brewing a pot of coffee and cleaning up. At 10:55, Michael finally woke up. He looked like he was in a daze as he stumbled into my kitchen and got a cup from the cupboard.

"Good morning!" He tried to put as much happiness as he could into his sleepy voice.

"Good morning Clifford. My mother has left us money for food for the day and I want pancakes." There was a little restaurant about 20 minutes from our house. It had the best food ever and for really low prices. He got excited like a little kid on Christmas.

"I'll go get dressed! I'll see you in like 5 minutes!" He ran out of my house and into his. I went to my room and quickly got dressed. When I walked back out to my living room, Michael was waiting with his car keys in hand. I grabbed a 20 from the counter and we left.

Breakfast with Michael was always fun. He acted as if he was a judge on Chopped and constantly judging his food, even though they could serve him plain pancake batter and he would be happy. As we were walking out of the restaurant I felt a lot better from yesterday, that was until I was walking out the door and saw Calum walking in with another girl.

My stomach dropped and I thought I would be sick. Could he honestly move on that fast? He made eye contact with me and told the girl he would be right back as he chased me down out the door. Michael was waiting in the car for me, since I was paying before. Tears were coming down my face and I ran to the parking lot. Calum was running after me, and as Michael saw him, his face grew darker. Michael hated Calum for hurting me the way he did. I got in the car and told Michael to just drive. Calum was left standing at the curb as the girl walked up behind him and put her arm around him.

"I can't believe he moved on that quickly! It was only yesterday that we broke up because he cheated!" I was practically screaming. Michael just sat there tapping his fingers on the steering wheel, which was something he did when he was irritated or mad. My phone started vibrating and I saw Calum's name come across the screen. I ignored it, which led to a long voicemail, 5 texts, and 2 more calls from him. I turned my phone off when I got home and just stormed into my room. Michael followed behind me, knowing I would need cheering up and to have someone with me. He sat on the end of my bed as I paced back and forth yelling. Occasionally he would add a comment or nod his head.

He stayed with me for the rest of the day until it grew dark. I told him to go home tonight, no matter how much he argued that he should stay.

At around 11 a knock on the door came. It was too early to be my mom, so I assumed it would be Michael coming back and not listening to me. When I opened the door, I was shocked to see Calum standing there.

"Can we please talk?"


A/N I promise to update more ! I'm on spring break so I have lots more time !!

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