Chapter 2

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The big move chapter 2:

Sleep violater

Levys pov:

Ugh why is it so bright outside.

(1st morning In the new house) I walk into my kitchen and see that Lucy and Natsu are on the couch sleeping together.

"Lu-chan! So bold!"

"Hnng... What?"

I raised my eyebrows repeatedly and pointed at the fire dragon slayer cuddling her body.

"Natsu? I came here alone last night...oh my Mavis...he followed me didn't he..."

"It seems so..." I giggled a little.

"Lucy~" he mumbled in his sleep.

"Smell...good..." He nuzzled his face into her neck. She blushed from head to toe.

'Help me' she mouthed. I shook my head.

"Taste...good..." He began to suck on Lucy's neck. She turned an even deeper shade of scarlet.

"Feel...good..." He reached towards her chest.

"That's it!!!" She shoved him onto the floor.

"GAH!!! Hmm? Luce? Did I talk in my sleep or something?"

"Oh ho ho, you definitley did more than talk." I teased them. His face went bright red.

"I-I did?" He covered his face and went into the fetal position.

"I'm so sorry Lucy!!!" He flung himself onto her and hugged her really tight.

"What did I do while asleep? Did I violate you? I'm soooo soooorrrrry!!!" He was rocking both of them back and forth on my couch.

"Get off me!" She shoved him off once again but only to the other side of the couch.

"All you did was say I smell and taste good, then you gave me this." She pointed to her neck.

"I hit you on your neck?" He looked heartbroken.

"I'm so sorry!!!"

"No idiot, you sucked on my neck. Like weird couples do in public." His face had a sudden tinge of recognition.

"Oh... Sorry..." He blushed pink and scratched the back of his neck. I cleared my throat.

"Well, since you're both already here... I'm making waffles!!!"

"Yaaaaaaaaay!!!" They shouted in unison. Hehe they're like kids. I hear a knock on my door.

"Mornin shrimp, I was heading over to get the mail when I heard you say waffles, where's the food?"

"Not made yet, Natsu and Lucy are here. You can help make them if you want."

"I'll pass."

"Suit yourself." I began to close the door.

"Hehe on second thought, I think I'll help." He made up his mind.

I handed him a pink apron with hearts on it.

"Fuck no." He handed it back.

"You need to wear it or the waffles won't taste good."

"Ugh" he sneered at me and tied it onto himself.

"Gajeel help!!!" I couldn't get the waffle maker down.

"Relax bookworm I got it." He put me on his shoulders and I heard him grunt.

"Almost there" I reach further.

Gajeel's pov:

"Almost there." Her lower body went over my head and now my face is pressed against her underwear. I almost passed out from the amazing smell.

"Thanks gajeel, you can let me down now, gajeel?"

"I think you broke him" Natsu sipped on his hot chocolate.

"What? How?"

"Maybe it's because you've got his face against your-"

"Down you go shrimp!" I put her down gently but quickly and glared at Natsu. Maybe he isn't as dense as I thought.

"Hey Lucy, need any help reaching stuff?" He smiled at her.

"No idiot, I'm tall enough." She glared at him.

"Ok ok now, I know you're both sexually frustrated... But that doesn't mean you can argue all the time."

"W-what?!" Lucy ran to the couch and away from the horny fire Mage. She picked up my broom.

"Stay away! Back! back!"

"Luce~ stop being weird!" She growled and he pouted.

"I thought we were partners..." He looked sad.

"We are partners dummy, Gajeel's words just scared me." She put the broom down and gave him a hug.

"Awwww~" I heard levy coo

"Can I have a hug?" I asked

"Yeah sur-"

"BEEEEEEEEEP!!!!" The waffle maker went off loudly. Damnit.

Ahn~ hopefully I can update soon! I'm working on chapter 3,4, and 5 of this right now simultaneously... WHILE unpacking these stupid boxes!!! oh well I'm just glad it's summer :)

Love you~

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